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Question about court documents Bm was served

msg1986's picture

As you may know, Bm was served the court paperwork last week. My question is, on the first page it says "you have 30 days to respond to the lawsuit that's been filed against you, failure to do so could result in judgement being taken against you"... for those of you that have taken Bms to court, what does that mean?

Is it unfair for Dh to ask to take turns claiming Ss?

msg1986's picture

I just posted a blog about Bm being served the court paperwork and the one and only thing she flipped out over was Dh requesting to claim Ss every other year on taxes. Dh said she melted down and acted as though he was insulting her by even thinking to ask such a thing.

My question to you, is it unfair that he's asking this? Dh said Bm kept telling him that the court would never grant that so now he's questioning himself and if he's in the wrong to even ask the court for this. What do you think?

Bm was served...

msg1986's picture

So yesterday when Dh was talking to Ss, Bm jumped on the phone and was being extra nice and asked Dh if he wanted to pick Ss up early. Dh agreed and we went last night around 7pm to pick Ss up from the store Bm was at. Dh met up with Bm to get Ss and when he did Bm asked Dh real nice if they could talk and then asked if he could explain to her why he was taking her to court and if they could try to work it out together to avoid not going to court. Dh Said that he told her that he didn't want to go to court but that she isn't willing to compromise on anything.

How is it not enough?

msg1986's picture

Bm loves saying Dh doesn't do "enough" for her and Ss and that he's a horrible father. Well this got me thinking, what exactly is enough? For those of you that are Bm's, what is enough to you?

Dh has Ss every weekend, pays for health/dental insurance, at this point is doing all the transporation (bm lives almost an hour away), Ss has a room at our house with everything he needs, Dh has him in karate but only the weekends because Bm refuses to put him in anything and Dh pays CS like clockwork.

The visit with the lawyer went great!

msg1986's picture

So we went to the lawyer yesterday and she was amazing! She was very honest and said that his case would be easy considering all he's asking for is what's he's been doing already for the past 6 years. She was thrilled Dh isn't in arrears, has Ss every weekend and that he's covering him on insurance. She advised that Dh should abe picking Ss up from Bm and Bm should be picking Ss up on Sunday from our house.

Dh meets with the lawyer today.

msg1986's picture

I'm hoping with all the nonsense as of late that dh's finally headed down the direction of getting a parenting plan in place. I talked with Dh last night and he said that in his heart of hearts that he doesn't think he could get custody of Ss because although Bm is a loser who doesn't really take care of Ss-he doesn't really have proof other than the notebook we have.


msg1986's picture

As you may know, we're in the market for a lawyer however we don't really know anyone that has gone thru this process so we don't really have any "referrals". So my question is, those of you that have gone thru this process, do you have any tips on finding a good lawyer? I've made some calls and I'm not getting calls returned and that worries me. We want someone that will communicate with us that has an "open door" policy so to speak... Does this even exist when it comes to lawyers? Dh and I feel so lost in this search... Help?
