msg1986's Blog
Am I being petty about table manners?
Ss5 is generally pretty well behaved, he has a few issues but nothing worth writing about but for some reason he cannot grasp the concept of eating with his mouth closed/refraining from speaking with his mouth full of food... I won't even get started on how he struggles w/ using a fork/spoon. At this age I feel like he should know that this is unacceptable but lets be real here, he's w/ bm during the week and I doubt she enforces these rules.
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Dh got the job! :) //and quick question at the end!
Soooo I posted recently that Dh was up for a state job and was possibly going to lose pay and how that would effect CS. Wellll he was officially offered a position and he's actually getting a 1.00 more!
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Does it really get better when skids turn 18?
I know Ss is only 5 but I've been thinking (fantasizing!! ha!) about how nice it'll be once he turns 18 (in my state child support ends at 18) and Bm is out of our life... I know I know, she'll always be around however it'll be WAY different... I hope? I know I've read of some ladie'ss & gent's here that have skids over 18, and I know once skids are adults other bigger issues can ensue but I'm just curious if things really change after Bm is removed from the equation or if that really happens...
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Question about Dh switching jobs & Child support
So DH has been trying to get a job with the state for the past year and we think he's finally got it in the bag... The only downfall is that although the pay increases are guaranteed yearly Dh is probably going to have to take like 3 dollar a pay cut coming from the private sector. My question is, do you know if child support takes this into consideration? I've heard from various sources that the courts don't like when you ask to decrease child support and it wouldn't be a big deal it was like .50 or something but 3 dollars is a lot...
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No free weekened for meeeee
So Dh called Bm's mom house to ask Bm's mother if Bm has said anything about not letting him pick up Ss5, he wanted to call her first before he text Bm(Bm lives with her mom and Bm's mom is pretty much does most of the child rearing for BM). Bm's mom says Bm didn't say anything to her and that Ss5 is home because it's fall break and gives the phone to Ss5, Ss immediately starts asking when Dh is going to pick him up and Dh tells him he doesn't know if he'll be able to pick him up today because Bm said he couldn't see him.
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Happy Friday! Let's see if Bm follows thru w/ her threats
I'm anxious to see if Bm is really going to follow thru with her threat to W/h Ss from Dh this weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if she did because Dh really crushed her power trip last weekend for the first time ever and so I'm thinking she's probably still seething because to her this is all a game, she doesn't care that it hurt Ss not to see his dad. I'm kind of hoping she does w/h him so it can start a fire under my Dh's ass to finally get his parenting plan in place so his he has his visitation schedule established in writing and we won't have to deal with her crazy demands anymore...
Dh puts his foot down with bm and suddenly it's my fault???
So today Dh sees he has 2 missed calls from Bm about 5 minutes after she calls. Dh texts her and asks her what she wanted. Bm texts him back and says she was calling because she was going to pick up Ss from our house. This was around 1pm. On Friday Bm told Dh she needed to meet Dh early at 3 to do the exchange because she had plans. Anyway, Bm then tells Dh that because he didn't answer that he has to take Ss back to her house in another city which is like 45 minutes away.
Ss sick, Bm is an idiot.
I'm so annoyed right now and I feel bad about it. Ss5 is sick and Bm's mother calls Dh and tells him that he needs to pick up Ss because he's sick and Bm told her (her mom) she couldn't watch her own son and left to work... god forbid Bm take care of her own child while he's sick. So bm's mom is freaking out because she has to go to school and doesn't know what to do w/ Ss.
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Ss getting into trouble at school
So Ss5 just started school a few weeks ago and so far he's gotten in trouble/had issues every week. First week of school he got in trouble for cutting up his own shirt and not listening, 2nd week he was having issues being bullied and was smacked in the face by another kid, 3rd week he pushed a kid off the balance beam and had his recesses pulled for 2 days, and just this week he got in trouble on the bus for sticking his head out of the window/running up and down the isle.
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Question regarding CS reviews/BM's requesting tax return/paystubs
I have a question for those that have been married to your Dh's/DW's for a while. I don't know if it's like this in every state but here in NM CS reviews the case every 3 years automatically to make sure that whoever is paying child support is paying the correct amount. Dh's last review was... I thiiiiink in May of last year and we were not married yet. In the review they asked for his last years tax return and 3 months worth of pay stubs. On the paperwork there was a remark that stated that the custodial parent (BM) could request his tax return/paystubs information anytime.