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Ss getting into trouble at school

msg1986's picture

So Ss5 just started school a few weeks ago and so far he's gotten in trouble/had issues every week. First week of school he got in trouble for cutting up his own shirt and not listening, 2nd week he was having issues being bullied and was smacked in the face by another kid, 3rd week he pushed a kid off the balance beam and had his recesses pulled for 2 days, and just this week he got in trouble on the bus for sticking his head out of the window/running up and down the isle.

Anyway, the reason for my post is to ask, is this normal behavior for a kid his age? Before Ss started school the only interaction he had with kids was when he's with us on the weekened and we visit my family, however the kids in my family are older than him by at least 5 years so really he never interacted with kids his age. I haven't posted about my wackadoodle MIL in a while because she's really cooled it down with the cray but she called me a few days ago all in a melt down because she "just knows" something is up with Ss. It appears to me that he's just adjusting to school and being around 5 years olds. MIL seems to think he's having some type of crisis and is acting out. When Ss is here he's his usual well behaved self. DH and I have both talked to him about school and how he feels and he says he loves it and he's doing good...

Do you think this behavior is normal for a 5 year old first starting off at school and also having social interactions w/ kids his age or does it sound like we are we missing red flags here?


PeanutandSons's picture

It might be a socializatjon issue. Interacting with other kids is very different than adults. Or it might be that his true bahavior is coming with less supervsion. If hes always the only kid surrou.ded by adults, his behavior so far has been closely mo.itored and micromanaged. He has way more freedo as one of fifteen kids and only o.e teacher. Even less supervision on the bus.

msg1986's picture

I have a feeling it's the latter of the two. You're so right about Ss being closely monitored/micromangaged by the adults in his life so I feel like he's almost going ape sh*t, like "woo hoo!!!" and then things will calm down. I guess MIL made me second guess myself because she kept going on about how if there's an issue we need address it and Ss needs to know that Dh is there for him and blah blah blah. He seems to be doing fine, I think he's just adjusting to the newness of freedom so to speak.

msg1986's picture

That's what I figured. I know I sometimes take a little more convincing than others and I've been trying to work on that so I figured I'd ask. I think Ss is fine, I think he's just enjoying his new settings a little too much right now.

Starla's picture

Well my SD is now almost 16 years old and DH wishes he would have nipped those behaviors in the butt back when she was young and workable. If you already had the talks with him and he continues, he should have consequences before its gets out of hand.