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SS is no longer attending daycare and BM says nothing to us even though DH is currently court ordered to p/u there on Fridays!

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So we knew SS was suspsended from daycare, but were told it was from the 8th to the 19th
We picked SS up from his home Friday evening as court ordered and because he's suspended from daycare right?
Well we stop by the daycare to get SS's behavior report, because this is his 5th suspension and they ask DH

Oh! Hi, are you here to pick up SS's belongings? to which of course DH says, WHAT??!!

Unbelievable!!!!!! a referral was sent from SS's teacher to be seen by a Psychologist

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in November..
BM has been dodging them, hanging up on them and refused to get SS assesed by this group of people.
Today we find out that BM was requesting SS's bathroom habits from the teacher and the teacher let us know that she thinks it's because BM is going to tell the Psychologist that the reason why SS's behavior is the way it is/SS reverting back to soiling himself etc is because of DH and I- and she showed the teacher a letter from the psychologist today stating that he's been to the facility although we don't know if he was actually seen or not-

BM is back to not letting DH speak to SS during the week, The middle boy even hung up on him

mrsparks's picture

when DH called the house phone last night.
DH: Hello...XXXXX...
Middle Boy: "Yeah"
DH Can I speak to XXXXX please
*fumble of the phone* *dh hears mom in the backround*
*phone hangs up*
DH calls back and no one answers-
He texts BM and trys to call her cell, she refuses
to have SS call DH..

BM did this same thing around this exact time of year
last year. As a matter of fact it was around Feb 6th
when she called the police on him for no reason when
he came to pick SS up for the weekend, as he always has..

Someone Explain this one to me if possible.. "Clothing" Why..

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Does BM always have this bizarre issue with SS's clothing?
She is always saying, I want his shirt back, I want his pants, where's his hat?! Where's his jacket?!
She does the same thing to his teacher and to his daycare

When we get him we wash the clothes he came in and return him in the clothes aside from the mis-matched dirty socks/underwear and t-shirts, we send him back in our matching socks, clean undershirts and underwear.


mrsparks's picture

Can someone please explain this to me.
BM has cancelled two meetings with them for SS5 and then told his teacher [she has it taken care of] when she was asked about the meetings

Do they assess SS? he has some pretty severe developmental issues
I don't think they're directly related with the school system, are they more of a social services group of people?

HELP! Anyone experienced this?

My husband just accused "MY" kids of stealing!!! WTF?!

mrsparks's picture

My bracelet is missing, that is a gift for one of my dear friends, the last I saw it, it was in my bedroom, in the bag from the jewelry store in a felt bag, in a jewelry box, I looked in the bag this morning and it's GONE....
I was pissed, stomping around the house, asking my kids [16 & 9] if they have seen it, they both said no.

Sorry I've been MIA dealing with SS5 and his most recent antics..He has been hitting/biting/kicking

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The teacher at his new school and at his daycare.
He has been suspended from daycare twice already since Sept.
It was requested that he seek psychological evaluation and a full physical from his pediatrician. The teacher at school thought that he may have an impacted bowel.
He has been pooping and peeing his pants on a daily basis..
When we have him on the weekends he has night terrors and begs my husband to sleep with him.

Meeting with the Guardian was CRAZY, Unfortunately I wasn't invited to attend...

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So DH/BM & Guardian are at this meeting - BM sits down and says she agrees to our original proposal for custody which consists of:

SS every weekend
All holidays
all summer
full or joint custody
DH picks up
BM picks up from our house on Sundays

Everyone at the table was shocked that BM is agreeing to anything, but DH calmly says- Oh believe me, as soon as this proposal is to be court ordered, BM will decide against everything.

DH is court ordered to pick up SS at daycare each Friday based on the fact that BM supposedly works on Fridays

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When DH arrived last Friday- guess what??? Right.. No SS!
He goes to the front office where they give BM a call, she says she will drop SS off in 5 min. WHAT?!

In court BM squawked about having to meet DH at a half way point- We were making the 250mile round trip twice each week to pick up and drop off while her fat a&& sat a home doing NOTHING and she loved that we were having to drive all that way, she said she refused to use her gas anymore.. seriously???
