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BM Phone is still cut off! We ARE NOT getting SS this weekend before Vegas

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I am so glad to take a vacation and have my husband to myself, We won't be getting SS this weekend or next and I'm looking forward to the relaxation!
Apparently the guy whose phone BM was borrowing last week hasn't offered to pay her bill..

She's such a hot smolderin' mess.. I am betting she'll find a way to call DH today "from someone else's phone" of course and ask DH if he's coming to get DH, which he will definitely say "NO" at least that's what the conversation was last evening..

BM's phone was cut off we had SS for 9 days! She finally called from some guys phone

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and left a message asking DH to call her, but when he called, he got the guys VM, So he sent a text message saying.. Tell BM that SS is fine and when will she be home so we can drop him off... WTF!!!
Finally she calls back an hour later and says she'll be home..
I am so tired of this nut-job, seriously..

Found out-because I was bored and just that nosey that she's been bouncing checks, I told DH to hurry up and run his credit report, as she was notorious for writing bad checks in the past.. and did so against a joint account that he was not aware was still open..

URGENT- What does anyone know about IEP's? I'm in OH

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BM just called DH asking for our address

SS hasn't been in daycare consistently for over 2 years
He is very delayed in his speech

DH said- "I know you are not trying to send him to school this year" "he's not ready" [He will be 5 in August]

She informed DH that she's not sending him to school, but to daycare and they have a speech therapist and an IEP program-

I have never heard of this program being offered in a daycare, has anyone else?

So.. I found out why other than being a lunatic, Just why BM was such a B*tch about

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meeting us a little closer than our 1.5 [both ways] hour drive to transport SS.
She told DH "YOU WILL BRING HIM TO ME, I RUN THIS!" *seriously?* Blum 3
Her license was suspended as of today for not paying a $250 fine! To get it reinstated and not be blocked from getting registration tags the fine must be paid, and I'm sure there's re-instatement fees on top of that.. "sigh" Looks like we will once again

So after badmouthing DH on Thursday BM of course has SS call DH

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on Friday, Oh around 4p.m. which is the time DH normally texts BM to see what time to pick SS up.
So she can be sure she's getting a babysitter for the weekend..
We pick SS up and he is visibly shaken and crying after BM shoves him off to DH which almost never happens..He is always beaming and so happy to see us when we pick him up- It appeared that maybe she said something to him, that set him off because he broke out crying several more times during the next few hours..

How Do Legal Aid [pro bono] attorneys work? BM has one

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Do you think she'll be able to use the same lawyer for DH's upcoming court case that she is using for her current case with her middle son?

Does a person have to pay these lawyers, or is it strictly a good will offering because she falls into the low/no income category>

It looks like she's dragging out the court case with her ex because she's not paying any costs and he is

I'm sure she'll try to do the same to DH & I to make us pay out the a**

Is anyone familiar with any of this?

WOW! BM Just sent DH a text threatening him and harassing him basically

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It was about a 3 page text asking him if he wants SS for the summer
DH responded with, We'll discuss that in court.
She then came back with "Our lawyers are great friends, they want us to come to an agreement out of court"
DH responded with, We'll discuss that in court..

Our lawyer is dealing with her as the attorney of her Ex and has bluntly told us, there is no reasoning with this woman, and that we actually want to try to take this straight to a judge with no mediation if possible because she's a psychopathic narcissist.

So BM asked us to keep SS until Monday- Which we do of course

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She texts DH Sunday morning @ 9a.m. with the "I'm gonna need you to keep SS until Monday" DH says ok, knowing this is her normal pattern of laying up with whoever'whenever- So she asks DH to "call" her with a time/location where they can meet Monday morning, she suggests 8:00a.m. downtown where DH works and he agrees, she texts back @ 10p.m. that night saying she'll pick SS up from our house instead- @ 7a.m., DH complies,
