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DH is court ordered to pick up SS at daycare each Friday based on the fact that BM supposedly works on Fridays

mrsparks's picture

When DH arrived last Friday- guess what??? Right.. No SS!
He goes to the front office where they give BM a call, she says she will drop SS off in 5 min. WHAT?!

In court BM squawked about having to meet DH at a half way point- We were making the 250mile round trip twice each week to pick up and drop off while her fat a&& sat a home doing NOTHING and she loved that we were having to drive all that way, she said she refused to use her gas anymore.. seriously???

In the preliminary hearing the judge said to meet half way until BM piped up and said.. but I work every Friday! So the judge ordered for DH to have to drive the entire way on Fridays for the pick up for the time being, and to meet at the halfway point on Sundays for the drop off -until the next court hearing.

BM's schedule fluctuates and she DOES NOT work every Friday, the daycare center even confirmed it in writing- and we also do not have a "working" phone number for her, so I was wondering when she was going to tell DH on Friday that SS wasn't even at daycare, and if she wasn't working, she could have met us half way, the games have to stop!


squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

What a loser BM is! I hate these scum-sucking leeches that lie to everyone (including judges) & get their way. This sort of crap has to be stopped! I hope you & your husband alert the judge to this. (I'm sure you will!) BM should have to meet you guys half way BOTH times, PERIOD.

Our BM has been pulling similar BS. She recently moved 45 minutes from us. The halfway point between our homes would be approximately halfway between the towns they each work in, which works out perfectly. So either way the travel distance is fair. BM has fought my husband on this from day one. And he even chose a "halfway" location that is CLOSER to BM (Which I wanted to smack him for, but that's a different story.).

BM wanted my husband to drive to where she lives to pick up SD9 on Fridays & then she would drive to our house on Sundays. She wanted this arrangement because this way she can always be "running late" on Sundays & she would control our schedule. (We know this because of past experience. This is what she does.) So when my husband wouldn't agree to this, she came up with every excuse in the book why meeting halfway wouldn't work & then offered my husband several outrageous "options" that she would accept.

Due to my husband's unwillingness to fight, the drop off/pick up spot is now across the street from BM's boyfriend's apartment, which is where BM probably spends 99% of her time. So BM just walks her fat ass across the street, while my husband drives 30 minutes. I'm sure BM thinks she is sooo clever for getting my husband to go along with this arrangement. Well, she can enjoy it for another week...we go to court next week & hopefully the judge will pick an actual halfway location & make BM agree to it.

pixildust's picture

And then be sure to document every incident. Keep a detailed journal of the dates, times and circumstances. Document, document, document. It's really the only way to stop "the games" in court.

stepmom2one's picture

I am glad you got that in writing, the judge will find that quite interesting I'm sure.