so over and done with being a step parent long sorry
This is my first blog, I have lurked here for a few months, and just have to get everything off of my chest.
My dh and I were highschool friends, who went there seperate ways after highschool and then hooked up later in life. DH's ex, told him when the split up "if I can have the leather couch you can have the kids" kids at the time were 7 and 5. He has had full custedy of them since then. Recently BM had a baby (a year ago) and has decided she is mom of the year. her other kids need to be with her, blah blah blah blah. So dh lets the kids go live with her.
My Skids are typical skids, I don't mind my SD, she is 14, and has been around me long enough to know what is right and wrong. I can not stand my ss12, so when ever they are over i basicly just ignor him unless asked a direct question. I disengaged about 2 years ago, as dh would get mad at me for discipline, (while he worked out of town for 2 weeks at a time), I sure as hell wasn't going to let them get away with shit, but hey, if I can't disciple his kids, I don't have to do squat for them either right?
It has been good since the skids moved out, my bs 17 & 11 have been happier, I have been happier the trouble is dh is not happier.
He trys to arrange visitation through them or if not he will email bm and tell her when he is going to have them. I keep telling him this isn't the way to do and wonders why it starts a huge fight.
I have been ill over the past year, breast mass no cancer biopsy just came back, but mass was removed. Because if this and other health issues I have been having, we are planning on being away for christmas. Now I planned this KNOWING full well that the skids wouldn't be allowed to go. Infact that is the only reason I planned this. bitchy? Yes, but necessary for me. Well DH informs me last night he is just going to tell crack ho (BM) that they are coming. I tried to reason with him that she isn't going to allow it and rightfully so. Now just so noone jumps down my throat. We have Christmas as a family 4 days before Christmas, so that crack ho can have them on Christmas day. We will NOT be giving up OUR Chirstmas with them, we will just be away from them after our Christmas. Even when we had custody of the skids on December 24 we didn't see them untill January 2 or 3. So we will be 10 days latter in seeing them this year.
I'm sorry this is all over the place, just trying to puke out my feelings
- momatwittsend's blog
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Take a few deep breaths and find your happy place.
I hope you can go to the Christmas thing with just DH!
It usualy is every other
It usualy is every other weekend but crack ho screwed up summer so now he is just trying to get them when ever he can. I just can't stand my SS, crayon I have been reading here for a bit and your 6.5 year old ss is like mine, can not sit still for the life of him, talks in a baby voice (he is 12), he doesn't wear a diaper and isn't over weight, but is underweight why? cause unless food is served him on a silver plater he won't eat. I have raised my kids that on weekends I only cook supper, breakfast and lunch are to be provided by them. There is always food in the house (should be with my $300 a week food bill!), and they all know how to cook the basics. God I mean ss lived with me for 5 YEARS, he knows the drill, he knows how to cook he for sure knows how to make a bloody sandwhich or put peanut butter on toast.