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What is this year of the utterly stupid husband?

momatwittsend's picture

I should check the chineese calendar, as I'm pretty sure that is what this year is.
DH tells me on Monday, Tuesday and this morning, that he will not be able to come home this weekend. He is suppose to have his children this weekend, and his mom's 60th b'day party is on Saturday, and my mom's 61 party is on Sunday. I tell him fine, work, not much you can do about it. I tell him I will get his kids on Saturday, take them to his mom's party and then take them home. I thought I was being nice.

I make plans with a friend I haven't seen in FOREVER for Friday night, drinks and snacks, I'm looking forward to it. I figure after I drop his kids off, I will take my two and my dogs and go spend the night at my mom's so that I can spend some time with her.

WEll I get a call at 3:30 today, telling me he is driving home after work on Friday night (he will be home around 10:30 -11:00, I'm to pick up his kids on friday night, and we will ALL go to his mom's party. He is leaving at 4:30 on Sunday. I NEED to pick his kids up after work on Friday, as it is HIS weekend, and HE wants them. I am to take them home after my mom's party on Sunday.

Tell me I have a right to be SUPER ASS PISSED OFF.

I took care of those kids for four fucking years. They have two parents that should parent them, my boys have only me. Let me tell you, I was the only one going to Parent teacher interviews, making doctor, dentist, ortho appointments, staying home from work when they were sick PAYING DAYCARE for his two kids. I was the only parent for his two kids as well.

I disengaged, and it caused shit, kids started failing school, I didn't care if they showered, or brushed their teeth. They decided to move in with their mom whom I call Crack Ho, and it has been better for me.

Can some one teleport me to land of no husband and step kids? I really need to be there at the moment.


soverysad's picture

I would say "no, Sir. you told me this and I made plans. If you want YOUR children on Friday, leave early enough to pick them up and I'll see you when I get home".

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Totalybogus's picture

I would tell him want in this hand, poop in the other and see which one fills up faster. I would continue on with my plans if I were you. Let him worry about getting HIS kids on Friday since he WANTS them.

stepof 1nitemare's picture

if you have see any of my posts from the past 2 days you wiill know without a doubt it has to be the year of the dumbass husband...maybe not on chinease calander but in some odd lil backwoods hole in the wall country they deemed it that...the husbands got the memo but wives did not!! Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare... Ed Asner

momatwittsend's picture

I'm just sick and tired of being "The Parent", If I wanted to be a single parent of four kids, do you not think for the 13 years I was a single parent I would have had four kids instead of two?

The other thing that is making me burn is that we have a chance to move to the west coast with my DH work. We were all excited, to go, I would be able to be a stay at home mom, and was very excited about that.

Now DH is wavering, as his kids don't want to move. UMMMM last time I checked kids don't make family household decisions. If they paid the bills maybe I could see the point. Its not like DH see's them alot as it is, he is never home, and quite often has to switch weekends. He actually would see them more if we moved, as he would be able to fly them out for a week or two at a time, and spend that time with them.