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Mom2TwinsnTeens's Blog

O/T Update on friend OR continuation of separated=cheating debate

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I posted a little while back about how concerned I was about my friends new girlfriend and I regret to report that I had reason to be. He came back yesterday after 4 months of being out of town. I went over to welcome him home and he told me about how girlfriends divorce wasn't finalized. He had previously told me she had never been married, well apparently that is what she led him to believe.

And when it came up she asked him what would he have done had he known she was separated. He honestly told her that he wouldn't have dated her.

SS17 earning himself a ticket back to BM

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Walked him on shaking the shit out of the swing twin9mos was in. DH and I were leaving the big kids and the twins at MIL cause DH had to work at the rodeo tonight. We do this all the time and usually its fine. The babies have been a little fussy, but they're teething. I had walked back in to get something and saw SS17 shaking the swing, hard, out of frustration. Oh heeeeellllll naw. SS17 isn't even DHs kid, bu he's got a bond with him and he helps a lot around the farm. But he lies, steals and now this.

O/T Lack of intimacy

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It's freaking killing me. Everythings okay at the TwinsnTeens home, especially with SD12 gone, so there's not an emotional disconnect. I'm pretty sure its a testosterone issue on his part, but even knowing that its a problem with him and not me makes me feel pretty crappy. I'm only nearly 25, I can't go the next 15 years getting it twice a month or less until I hit menopause. DH noticed that I was upset this morning and keeps asking what's wrong.

O/T So mad at myself right now

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DH and I are going out tonight for one of his friends bday. I'm not crazy about this guy, but I agreed to go out cause DH never wants to go out to the bars anymore. I'm not a heavy drinker at all, but I like a mixed drink now and again, to get dressed up and dance. We get almost here and I realize my wallets not in my car, aaaarrrggghh. And being nearly 2 hours away, I can't turn around and go back to get it. DH doesn't understand why I'm so upset. I took up some of his hobbies (hunting and fishing) so we could enjoy them together, but I can't get him to come out with me.

O/T Concerned about a friend

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DH and I have a friend, well he was originally DHs friend but he's become mine too. His is a tragic story. His exwife murdered his son, I think he was 6. She gave him and his SS sleeping meds and was going to kill herself too but chickened out.the SS, I think 13, survived, but it killed his kid. I didn't know him prior, but I can tell he's a broken man. he had a good landscape business that he's all but let go, and he constantly goes out of the country to just schmooze around with his family. He met a girl in another state January before he left the country and seems to have fallen hard.

Anybody else not looking forward to crappy Russel Stover candy?

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Valentines Day really isn't that big of a deal for me. DH asked me while we were running around doing errands when it was

"Whens Valentines day, Wednesday, right?"
"Uh, no, today"
"Oh, I thought it was Wednesday"
"No, its today"
"Oh...Happy Valentines, baby!
"Yea okay. Your presents in here"[in the console of the truck] I hand it to him still in the bag (its camoflauge lingerie from the local outdoor store, we hunt, I thought it was cute) which to my knowledge he still hasn't opened.

Guess she's not "luvn life" anymore

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So we put SD12 on a plane Saturday, we called their grandma to tell her to pick her up. Didn't bother calling BM since we haven't heard from her since August, other than the call saying he wanted to claim SD12 and SS17 on her taxes. She called DH raising hell that he didn't call her to give her a "heads up". She also wanted us to mail her a DVD that the skids accidently brought back up with them. Yea right. She also wanted us to mail us the rest of SD12s clothes and school supplies .

Plane tickets bought

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Well, DH and I went out the other night and argued about sending SD12 back. He was against it, so the plan was for her to stay. Until we found out that while we were gone, she went nuts. She started drama, making SS17 and his friend who was helping babysit the twins angry at each other. Then they made up and she got mad and pulled a knife that she previously stole out of the safe that she learned the code to. We cant have that kind of violence in our home.


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There is discord in our usually happy home. I mentioned earlier how my auntinlaw did not want to visit because of the skids, which upset my MIL. She came down to visit after they went back to school, and we went over for dinner. I warned the skids to be on their best behavior. They did well until it was time to leave then SD12 got an attitude and pushed past DH and started stomping off. I grabbed her arm as she stormed past me to tell her to cool it and she wheeled on me and started to hit me.

I dont know how she did

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I mentioned in an earlier blog that BM wanted to claim SD12 and SS17 because otherwise she would have had to pay IRS (dumbass claimed them as allowances on her W4 I guess even though they haven't lived with her for nearly 2 years). So I e-filed the very second that I could, but she somehow managed to beat me to it, since I just got an email stating that it had been rejected cause she already claimed them. We were planning to use that money to help get a bigger house for all her damn kids. She's probably just going to drink all hers away.
