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misguided's Blog

Taking your adivce (Steptalkers)

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We are leaving today for a Ritz Carlton resort and I can't wait. Just us, no kids and no phone calls. I really hope it goes well. Tonight we are having a chimnea fire dining at the lake, tomorrow we are taking cooking lessons with the chef and other than that I hope we don't leave the room all weekend. Thanks to everyone who responded. This sight is been a God send. I will let you know how it goes.

O/T Does anyone feel the economy is picking up?

misguided's picture

I ask this because my business has been really slow and there is no apparent reason for it. The news is the same and unemployment seems to have leveled off but I have noticed alot of people on here have been very tight on money lately. I wanted to see what the general consensus (sp?) was. Do you see any improvement in the economy, think it's the same as six months ago, think it's worse?

Inappropriate sexual behavior from SD 9 Please give your advice.

misguided's picture

My daughter who just turned 5 has been itching her crotch area for the last 5 days or so and I took her to the doctor this morning and found out that she and her step sister have been playing doctor almost every night in their bedroom. Now the SD is 9. I don't want to over react but when I compile this with the SD's behavior I am starting to think something is really wrong. I have not had a girl at this age so not sure if this is normal but it doesn't seem normal to me. Please give me your opinions. SD nine is constantly sticking things in her shirt and telling us that she has boobs.

GEORGIA Meet up group

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I love this site and love having a place to speak where others actually understand what I'm going thru. I love my family and freinds but they really have no idea and think I am being petty about somethings and maybe I am but no one understands until they live it. Anyway back to my point. How many people on here live in Georgia? Second question, would those of you who live in GA have any interest in getting together on a montly basis or so? I thought it might be fun to have a group of people going thru the same thing and meet some of the faces on here. Just a thought, let me know.

what do you think?

misguided's picture

Ok DH taking BM to court for CS modification because his company had a company wide 15% pay cut and of course she would not agree to it without spending thousands on attorneys. Anyway I can not stand his attorney. After 20 unanswered emails about the SK's that DH sent to BM, we decided it might be a good idea for me to communicate so there is more proof that she is not communicating about the children. Also DH had a screw up with his expense check and emailed BM to wait 3 days before cashing the CS payment and of course she didn't, she cashed it and went right to her attorney.
