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misguided's Blog

Too Funny! (Supernanny)

misguided's picture

Ok, I had to post this. About 3 months ago after a fight about the kids and watching an episode of Supernanny, I went on their website and it had an area where you sign up if you wuold like to be considered for the show. I did and wrote alot of the things that bother me about the kids and told them that they didn't portray enough blended families. Anyway forgot about it.

ST Question

misguided's picture

I have noticed that the responses to the blogs do not go in order as to when they were posted for example
1. posted at 1
2. posted at 2
3 posted at 4

The way they will show up on my blog would be


It makes it hard to follow the thread. Is this new or did I just start noticing it?

Do you think your overweight?

misguided's picture

I am 5'9 and weigh 165. According the BMI chart I am on the upper end of normal. 24.4. I feel really overweight though. I have tried dieting and it just is not working. I have never had this much trouble losing weight. I think it must be hitting 40! The metabolism must be slowing down. I gained about 12 pounds over the last couple of months and it feels like 30 pounds. LOL. Anyone have any ideas how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? I have a big event coming up at the end of January. Also curious to know if YOU feel overweight vs. really are?

About to lose it.

misguided's picture

Ok, so tell me if I am out of line here. People involved are my husband, sd10, ss9 and bd5. My to step kids are constantly hitting eachother and my daughter has picked up this habbit as well. Last week we decided to come down on the kids for hitting with time outs. I have corrected my bd twice on this and punished her. This morning his kids are bashing the hell out of eachother. My husband walks right by and says nothing. I yell at the kids to both go in the dining room.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

misguided's picture

I hope everybody has a wonderful turkey day. It seems the holidays can bring out the worse in us and our SO. For everyone who is going thru a breakup, hang in there, things will get better. Hang with family and friends and remember this will pass. We are leaving at 6am tomorow for AZ to vist my brother, all SK's in tow. We are also going to the Grand Canyon, hope nobody falls in, LOL. Anyway hope you all have peaceful and restful holiday!

Lost as to what to do. Please read

misguided's picture

Ok, I am going on the assumptions that if you are kind enough to be reading this and giving feedback you have read my previous logs. Based on feedback from here and several others, a couple of whom are teachers I spoke with my DH and said that his daughter needs a counselor or someone to talk to. I would be happy with even a school counselor. I said I don't know if I should call DFACS and let them come in and investigate or go the school gudiance route bus somebody needs to do something. He said why don't I talk to his ex first.

Lost as to what to do. Please read

misguided's picture

Ok, I am going on the assumptions that if you are kind enough to be reading this and giving feedback you have read my previous logs. Based on feedback from here and several others, a couple of whom are teachers I spoke with my DH and said that his daughter needs a counselor or someone to talk to. I would be happy with even a school counselor. I said I don't know if I should call DFACS and let them come in and investigate or go the school gudiance route bus somebody needs to do something. He said why don't I talk to his ex first.
