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misguided's Blog


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Listening to Trump and as much as I don't care for him, what he is saying is so refreshing and true. This country is headed for such a shock and it's time that someone tells the truth. When forty two cents of every dollar the government spends is borrowed what is going to happen when China says "no more". We can't agree on cutting the budget 60 billion let alone 1 trillion!
Sorry I don't want to get political but this stuff is such BS.

What if?

misguided's picture

This is from a totally different perspective but one I think a lot of us can relate to. I have been really sick lately and I have been thinking about what would happen if I died. I know my Ex's girlfriend does not like my child and thinks she is spoiled. She is also pregnant and she and my ex are going to counseling to try and work it out. I have told my ex to stop taking my daughters side all the time and let his GF have some say in the parenting. He gets upset if she tells my daughter to chew with her mouth closed, stop bugging the cat etc...

Does this bother you?

misguided's picture

I am so tired of going shopping and buying snacks only to have them all opened on Thurs when the step kids are here. I went shopping yesterday and did not open anything. When I get home and look in the pantry this is what they opened
A bag of oatmeal cookies and didn't even eat one
A box of club cracker
2 boxes of fruit roll ups
1 box of vanilla wafers
1 Box of gushers

There are only three of them and my daughter is here 80% of the time and I never have a problem with this.

O/T Stomach Flu

misguided's picture

I feel like death warmed over. Vomiting, (Really Bad) sweats, chills, fever, aches everywhere. I walk with this at 2:30 and have been even throwing up sprite. Does anyone know how long this current strain of stomach flu lasts? Also when does it become dangerous if you can't hold down liquid, 1 day, 2 days? I am not holding down any liquid and I am a little worried about dehydration. Thanks.


misguided's picture

I can not believe what my husband did last night. I decorated the house, by myself, he didn't do anything except bring the boxes up. I wanted to decorate the living room instead of the family room because it's bigger and a prettier room. Anyway, I put up only two stockings, one on either side of the fireplace and told him I am going to put the kids stockings in the family room these are for show. Anyway the sk's get here and start complaining about where their stocking is and of course he can't just tell them the truth he has to buy into this crap and takes down the two stockings I put up.

Fighting Fair!

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I thought this might be helpful to others so I am going to share the advice the marriage counselor gave us. This was an all day intensive session. Started at 9 and we left at 4:30, other than lunch it was just the three of us, talking about us. It was intense. I won't bore you with the details, but this guy is very well known, been quoted in almost every therapy magazine out there and should know what he's talking about. The purpose of our visit was to learn how to disagree.

DH lost his job

misguided's picture

My DH lost his job on Friday and still has not told his ex. I am really upset and hurt. It's like he doesn't want to stress her out but has not problem stressing me out. I am the one who is going to have to pick the mortgage (which he currently pays). I will not pay child support and he knows that so why he is waiting is beyond me. He finally went down to unemployment today and is going to court to modify his child support based on what his unemployment check will be. I feel like telling her myself but I know that would be wrong and possibly cause more problems but this is BS.

Thoughts as to what to say?

misguided's picture

My 10 year old SD has been going to very strange lengths to get attention. For the last two weekends she has been pretending to throw up. She will fill her mouth up and run to the bathroom and pretend to throw up. She hasn't realized yet that she might want to mash up the food because a whole french fry just doesn't cut it. LOL. She also has been screaming and crying in the water (pool) that her leg is cramping and she is drowning (she isn't). I am so surprised by this I don't even know what to say so I say nothing. Her father is at a loss as well. How would you handle this? Thanks

EBSM and others!

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I have really enjoyed being on this site and it has helped me out thru some really tough times. I don't know if I would have made it without some of you. There are alot of really special people on here and I thank you for being so giving of your time and advice.
