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What if?

misguided's picture

This is from a totally different perspective but one I think a lot of us can relate to. I have been really sick lately and I have been thinking about what would happen if I died. I know my Ex's girlfriend does not like my child and thinks she is spoiled. She is also pregnant and she and my ex are going to counseling to try and work it out. I have told my ex to stop taking my daughters side all the time and let his GF have some say in the parenting. He gets upset if she tells my daughter to chew with her mouth closed, stop bugging the cat etc... I tried to explain to him that he is creating this divide and he has to stop it. He finally listened to me when his mother agreed with him. He stop letting my daughter control the tv, stay up as late as she wanted and pretty much control their house EOW. He called a couple of weeks ago and said he is so pissed at her and she thinks Sofia is a spoiled brat and doesn't want her new child having anything to do with her. Long story short they agreed to try and are currently in counseling trying to work it out. It's not that I don't understand her frustration and I am sure the way my ex is with our daughter drives her crazy, it's like he can see no wrong in her (sound familiar). Anyway I started thinking about what would happen if I died and this woman was raising my child. It made me cry and I don't cry easy. I would hate for her to be raised by someone who doesn't even like her. Yet I can't change the way I feel about my step kids and I know my feelings are direct result of my feelings for their mom. I don't think his girlfriend dislikes me because I almost always take her side but I understand that she doesn't like my daughter because of the way my ex treats her. What a fucked up world. I just can't die for another 12 years!


j-dog's picture

Just odd because I had this creepy nightmare last night.
DH was ?dead? ?gone? not sure (you know how dreams get), but his not-there-ness had to do with a different X of his (not BM).
BM died, and I ended up stuck with SD and her five cats.
It was a nightmare of screaming and drama, because of course I had to rehome the cats ("allergic to cats" doesn't even begin to cover it!), and eventually I'd just shipped SD off to a boarding school out of state, because I couldn't stand the drama. The nightmare was just this weird "trying to get by and still pay for boarding school" deal...
I think....I think maybe I should not so much share that particular nightmare with DH, eh?

Zoie's picture

Gosh I hope no one dies..but if I died well I dont have my own Biokids but I do have a SD9, so I guess if her dad remarried she would have a new SM.... But to tell you the truth..I do love her and she does love me..but as she gets older she is getting more and more difficult and I'm starting to have a hard time dealing with her. Her dad gives me full control so he's not the's her BM that's the issue, her BM is a terrible mother, doesn't take care of her, doesn't feed her properly, poor hygiene, etc...etc..etc.. the list goes BM tells my SD that I am not her mother and she doesn't have to listen to all...

So when we had her over the holidays, she was so rude and disrespectful that I got mad and finally told her that in this house I am the SM and what I say goes..and that's she rolled her eyes and walked away smirking..I'm telling you I wanted to wipe that smirk off of her we shall see this weekend how things go with her...(sorry to vent)..but thanks..
Z Smile