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O/T Does anyone feel the economy is picking up?

misguided's picture

I ask this because my business has been really slow and there is no apparent reason for it. The news is the same and unemployment seems to have leveled off but I have noticed alot of people on here have been very tight on money lately. I wanted to see what the general consensus (sp?) was. Do you see any improvement in the economy, think it's the same as six months ago, think it's worse?


Sasha's picture

Still can't find a job. Been looking since January.

BMJen's picture

I have people come in every single day just begging for work. I'm holding tight to my job!

southernbelle's picture

luckily, but I think people are still holding on to money really tightly, "just in case". Even if the economy is picking up, I think people will have overcome some fears to go back to spending as freely. Kind of like after the great depression, since my grandmother for years saved wrapping paper & bows and washed aluminum foil and reused it over and over and over. Mind if I ask what your business is?

misguided's picture

my main business is mergers and acquisitions, we sell companies to publicly traded companies. I also own a couple of Italian Restaurants as an ivestment (don't really work there) but I do go in almost everyday. They are both really slow and have seemed to have slowed down the last month or so.

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

OMG that brings back memories! I remember that happening at my house and I wasn't around for the Great Depression. We also used to reuse napkins! If they were just used to dry wet hands we'd hang them on the edge of the sink to dry and just re-use them! I find myself doing that every once in a while. I really hope the economy gets better. I am in sales and my sales have been down 70%!!!! can you imagine what that has done to my income?
I don't complain, I thank God for little things like being ALIVE, healthy, my family, my home. Money??? It comes and goes. We'll be better next year. I had a great 5 previous years as far as income went, this year I am not doing great, but next year will be better.
It's all I can hope for.

RustyHalo's picture

Fortunately for me, not for everybody sad to say, but the "not so great" economy means I am very busy. My brother and I have our own agency in the Health Insurance Industry. We are independent brokers. And right now with inflation the way it is and rates going up every year, everybody is shopping around for the best rate and we're swamped.

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

Hanny's picture

work for an engineering company. I've been here for 9 years. We were up to 1,200, now down to un der 700, which was what we were when I started. It is really scarry. Land Development department was hardest hit. I don't think the layoffs are over yet.