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OT - Wedding and what a combo!

mckenzie0806's picture

1. Sister (public defender and way way under paid) getting married in August in St. Petersburg, FL. Any location ideas (NO BEACH) or inexpensive ideas?? We need to come in under a budget of $5000.

2. The DH and I are undergoing IUI fertility treatment...anyone had any success/failure/experience with this?

THANK YOU!!! Love ya ladies!


soverysad's picture


mckenzie0806's picture

Dear sovery..

As to answer one, thanks! Some great ideas...She has made one decision and that was the reception to be a dessert reception. We are going to visit for Christmas (we are in TN and she is in FL) and my mom and I are gonna help pick out her dress with her then.

Second, my DH and I are in the same situation, he has BD and I have BD, but the specialist told us we have less than 1% of a "natural" conception together. We have insurance which of course ( Military Insurance) does not cover IVF OR adoption. The IVF we were told was upwards of 20 grand a cycle and with him in school and me working, that just won't work. The IUI is our hope for now. Apparently I am old and my eggs are dusty (LOL) and his swimmers don't swim. We think his issues stem from military injections.

I am so very sorry to hear of your experience and loss. I have had 2 miscarriages and cannot imagine how your situation would feel. I would not wish this on my worst enemy (The ex).


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt..Abe Lincoln

Sus's picture

There's a GREAT DR.( clinic ) in Tampa pay they Guaranties a BABY. NO matter how many time you try. I think you get 3-5 tries for one price.
My daughter went to several Dr's before him, and even some in NY. Both had issues. D & son in law. wasted money. When she should have used this place first.
And no insurance because some STUPID the beginning, said she was infertile when she wasn't. Anyway she had to have her uterous fixed and he had extremely low Sperm counts. They did IVF with Assisted hatching ( I think it's called) where they poke a hole in eggs to let sperm enter.
This DR in Tampa.FL. Has some type of special program. And it was their last try ( an elderly aunt had left her some money) She used that for all the treatments.
Anyway YIPPY we now have TRIPLETS 2 girls and 1 boy-- 8 weeks old.
PERFECT BABIES. Extremely Healthy too!! Now weight 11 lbs. were 4 at Birth each.
I will find out the Dr or clinics name, if you would like.
Email :

soverysad's picture

Feel free to PM me if you're looking for support on this. Our chances of natural conception were very low as well and our insurance also didn't cover. We're going to try again when I am physically able (I have to wait 6 months) and we're beginning the adoption process soon. My eggs are nearly non-existent even with vast amounts of infertility drugs and DH has few swimmers with poor swimming ability.