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And here we go AGAIN for the 450th time...VENT

mckenzie0806's picture

Yes, ladies (and gents) it has been several months since i have been on the site. I am sure that several of you are still familiar with my struggles as a SM of a SD10 and DH has custody of SD. If not, read the past few blogs they arent too long. ANYWAYS...yes, you guessed must be that time AGAIN. The DH got served with Custody and Support papers today. YAY!!! Good Lord, will this ever ever end? Except this time the papers are quite exceptional because they are 90% about me! Smile lol. You see, the BM and I do NOT like each other AT ALL.

At the beginning of this year i thought i would run for elected office in our city. I had a great time, the kids (SD10 and BD11) learned alot and got to go campaigning, to the tv station and the radio station. They had fun. I lost. But had fun, it was an experience. I also had a website that i did NOT have names on. I was giving a charity breakfast for the Children's Advocacy Center and told the story about SD being abused to let people know why the charity was important to me. No names. The BM is now saying that i did it deliberately to "tarnish her reputation in the community". Also, the DH and I split in August of this year and after 2 nights, he decided to have sex with BM because he says that was the worst way he knew of to get to me. (He was absolutely correct) Needless to say, we did the counseling thing and put off the divorce. Well, the night they slept together i sent her a text that said, I hope you are happy you child abusing slut. I know. How childish. But i was HOT. And did NOT think before i sent. That was also in the papers. They say that BM should have full custody because i do not foster the relationship with SD. I have never ever ever said anything about BM in front of SD.

I think really it comes down to we found out 3 weeks ago that BM was going to have to pay child support to BD. (35 per month) woo hoo. lol. I am really having guilt issues with this. I have never said anything bad about BM in front of SD, and in fact try to encourage the relationship. But what if....on that outside chance, DH loses custody and its my fault?????


stepmasochist's picture

Uh, wow. Just ... wow.

If your DH lost custody of his kid because you angrily texted BM on the night he had SEX with her ... DO NOT FEEL GUILTY. You're only human. DH shouldn't have gone there and slept with the child abusing slut to begin with. Of course, your reaction was inappropriate, but he made his bed - literally!

imthecookienow's picture

Last time I checked, just because there's marital issues, does not give anyone permission to go sleep around. He wanted to do something that would get to you - well, it backfired and now it's going to bite him in the ass. He's got nobody to blame but himself. I would also venture to guess you aren't the one who informed the paper of the incident so they could publish it for public knowledge? Give yourself a break - you both made some bad decisions that night. Keep working on your marriage and move forward.

AllSmiles's picture

Damn. I'd kick the living shit out of him and be done with them all. You are either a better woman than me or have better drugs. More power to you.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

doingthebestIcan's picture

I would just be truthful when you all go to court or maybe it will settle out of court. Your actions shouldn't affect the custody even though you and the bm don't get along. One text message won't change the situation... at least it shouldn't. Is your sd telling the mom that you aren't saying nice things about her? She is old enough to testify in court if it would come down to that. I can totally relate to your situation, the bm of my ss hates me too. She continually slanders me on the internet. We can only take so much shit right??? I feel that sometimes you have to just let it out. If the mom has abused the daughter since your last court date then that is something you can also bring up. Good luck.

stepmom2one's picture

The text message forces the judge to acknowlege the fact the H and an affair on you with BM---the text is understandable we are human ( I would have done more).

StepMadre's picture


What are you doing? I completely agree with everyone that you need to turn this loser free and run away before they "tarnish" you with their trashiness!!! If my H EVER touched BM after being with me, I would never speak to him again. If he was even able to, ahem, get things going enough to throw his sausage down that old decrepit hallway after being with me, I would be so grossed out that it would make my skin crawl to even touch him. He wouldn't be the person he is if he had anything to do with BM now that he knows how bad she can get and how crazy she is. She is massively repulsive and I can't imagine H even hugging her, letting along having sex with her! I have a hard enough time knowing that they had sex before, but mostly because the image just grosses me out so much. It grosses H out way more because he yells "lalala" and covers his ears, laughing whenever I jokingly describe a BM seduction. That and old people sex. Those are his pics for grossest thing ever. But I digress. Anyway, the BM sounds like she is a trashy slut and fully worthy of contempt, but I am disgusted that your H had anything to do with her because that makes him as gross as she is! I think your text was in perfect taste, considering the actions that they were engaging in and I wouldn't waste a second of guilt on this at all. You lost your temper for a very valid reason and you didn't hurt anybody. If H's child custody gets threatened it is because of his own horrible choices, not you. YOU DESERVE BETTER!!! RUN AWAY!! I know it is never as easy as this, but this is most definitely a deal breaker, a line crosser, a hell freezing over kind of situation. I think we are all in agreement that if our H's had sex with the BM on any kind of a break or split, it would absolutely eliminate any possibility of getting back together. EVER.

On an OT point, I think this is interesting in that it is one example of a BM having absolutely no pride or self respect and "taking back" an ex, even for one night of revenge sex (I wonder if this guy put it like that to BM? "Hey babe, want to have sex because I want to piss off the old ball and chain? Nothing would make her angrier. Are you turned on yet?"). It shows, at least with one example, that in the rare situation of an H/BF/FH having anything to do with the BM after being with the hotter, smarter, nicer model the BM will flop on her back and open her legs, regardless of how pathetic or trashy it makes her. I am disgusted, but not surprised. I think this would be a lot more common of a complaint on here if any of our H's were willing to touch those disgusting trolls, even for revenge. I know that my BM would take back H in a heartbeat if she got the chance and I get that feeling about most of the crazy BMs on here. EVEN if H did tell her that it was purely to piss me off and had nothing to do with him liking her, she would absolutely go for it. This is because she's creepy, pathetic and disgusting and has no pride or self-respect.

"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32

stepmom2one's picture

If HE loses custody it is HIS fault. His child his problem.

You know why it is his fault? Becuz he had sex with BM ( I am sorry but I do not know how you stay with this guy) to get back at you, BM had sex with your H becuz she knew it would piss you off and give her leverage in custody dispute.

I am sorry but gosh how do you stick around? I could spit fire and I don't even know you!

iwishyouwould's picture

I agree - your H is working with BM to make your life miserable???!!!!?!?!?!

undercovermother's picture

If you have a job, the money and the confidence, leave him now..please? I wish you the best of luck, but you don't need to feel guilty over anything. His ex wife is pathetic..

mckenzie0806's picture

I have a great job, a place to go, and a little confidence... however, this is my very best friend. And the best friend of my BD. I just dont know how. His ex wife will be the downfall of our marriage i can guarantee it.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt..Abe Lincoln

stepmom2one's picture

Your very bff? Does he feel the same way? How could he after what he did!

I just can't even rationalize this.

melis070179's picture

I'd really like to know how you got past him sleeping with BM and took him back? Separated or do you even look at them without picturing it? Sorry, just wondering!

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

mckenzie0806's picture

Let me start by saying I have not been the perfect wife. I have had an extramarital affair. We have gone to counseling. I still cannot get over him doing this 100% and I know it will take a very very long time. I can forgive almost anything. We are still a "work in progress" and always will be. I can say that I do have trust issues now. And I am sure that my HATE for the BM somehow effects my love (or lack thereof) for the SD. But I would never badmouth the BM in front of either of the children BD or SD. Its just not right. I'm not her Mom and I never will be. But I will be damned if I let ANYONE hurt her.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt..Abe Lincoln

stepmom2one's picture

You cheated? was it with an ex that your H has to look at for the rest of his life? or raise that ex's child?

Believe me it is different. Not that your cheating was ok but I think you are making excuses for him instead of looking at this rationally.

Therapy is good, maybe some for just you? Working on yourself is key to a relationship as well.