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Back from Court today...

mckenzie0806's picture

We went to Court today to try and get some child support and past medicals from the BM. Turns out her attorney was the mediator when they were fighting over custody and couldn't represent her in Court so they gave her until June to get a new attorney.

The real kicker is that she filed an Order of Protection on DH this morning and he got served with it in Court. I CANT BELIEVE HER. Said that he abused her when they were married OVER 7 YEARS AGO! OMG, this woman is just EVIL. I cannot believe i am saying this, but I find myself wishing he would just let her have SD and go back to active duty so we could leave here and get away from BM. This Order of Protection if it gets approved next week will end his military career and any career in law enforcement because he will be prohibited from owning or using firearms. And he's a hunter.

I am so mad...


southernshellgirl's picture

What a stinker!!!

Our BM tried the protective order thing too. It makes me sick when they try to do something so underhanded and cruel to our DH's just to try and get the upper hand in court. those protective orders are not a minor thing and I HATE how often they are thrown around. It really stinks for the women out there who really do have abusive men in their lives, these BM's are making it less believable.

I hope yours is dismissed as ours was. In Texas I think it was something like it had to have happened in the last two years and there would need to be some sort of evidence, such as photos or a police report.

I'm so sorry for you and your DH. It is so difficult when you are just trying to get the right things inforced and you face rediculous attacks by the BM.

Your thoughts about running away are totally normal, you know, fight or flight insticts when facing a threat.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-

mckenzie0806's picture

I work for an attorney so we are good on that issue. The boss cant believe they issued it either. When I met DH, he did have a little bit of a temper. But now, he would NEVER dream of being abusive to me or the girls. NEVER. No temper, nothing.

Young - SD is 10. And no, the lazy SM isnt in the military. She just got a job after 8 yrs of not working and is working 3rd shift leaving SD10 with God knows who.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt..Abe Lincoln

melis070179's picture

If she doesn't have anything current and can't prove he's an immediate threat, they won't give it to her. She's a vindictive one, isn't she?!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

mckenzie0806's picture

Very vindictive. She has been this way for the past 6 yrs. I am very surprised that I'm not an alcoholic or have an ulcer. This could ruin or lives. This man has done NOTHING except try and look out for his daughter. He wants her current address and telephone numbers for contact with SD ONLY. And thats why this is happening. Plus yesterday was our child support day. lol

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt..Abe Lincoln

kaffonseca's picture

My friend is in the army and could've go into special forces because of a restraining order his X took out on him long ago (she now admits she lied)..AND he can't become a full time City cop but just housing police due to it..I feel so bad..

But HOW could they give her one for something that happened 7 yrs ago!!!!!??

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"