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So am i really jealous of my 18 year old step daughter or what?

lisa1971's picture

Before I get started I need to tell you the status of my step daughters Dad and I so you understand a little bit better. We was married for 5 years and got divorced for one because of the step daughter and then there was another reason involved as well. So he thought he couldnt live without me and we did couciling and we are back together. The only thing we ever fight about is HIS DAUGHTER. Ok so 3 weeks ago before break my step daughter didnt go to school on that Monday. Keep in mind she is 18 and only goes from 8-11 then goes to beauty school from 12:30-4:30, so i went online to check her attendance because she hardly gets to school on time or a lot of times she doesnt even go. She is in a special school for troubled and failing kids, so it is a good program for her but she has so many issues. Well she didnt go to school on that Monday and I told her Dad about it and he asked her and she said she was there. So then on Tuesday and Wednesday the same thing and also instead of A for absent it was U for unexcued and she even lost a grade level. So i told her Dad again he asked her and she said she went. He said well then have your teacher call me tomorrow so I can talk with her and the step daughter said ok no prob cause she was there. Well Thursday came and went with no phone call. So when he got home from work i asked him what her teacher said and he said OH SHE DIDNT CALL, like he forgot. I said Well r u going to call her tomorrow? He said yeah probably better, so he did and the school said NO SHE WAS NOT HERE AND ON MONDAY SIR YOU CALLED IN CAUSE YOU GUYS WERE STRANDED, TUESDAY HER MOTHER CALLED IN CAUSE THERE WAS A FUNERAL, AND ON WEDNESDAY SHE WASNT NOT FEELING WELL AND HER MOM CALLED IN FOR HER. Her Dad said I never called in and they said and neither did her Mother. This is why they are unexcused because she is lying. So he got home from work again and I asked about it and he said he was going to ask his daughter about it in a bit. Well she called and they hung up and I said well what did she say about the school attendance? He said AAAHHH SHOOT I FORGOT TO ASK HER. I said you have got to be kiddibg me> He said what is the big deal ITS NOT THE FIRST TIMES SHE HAS LIED TO ME AND IT WONT BE THE LAST!!! I was so amazed. Did he seriously just say that? and he never did ask her. I was so mad, ONCE AGAIN YOU DONT MAKE HER OWN UP TO HER WRONG DOINGS, AND SHE WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS. He said WHY DONT YOU JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, CAUSE ITS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER.

This is just one of the issues that I have a hard time getting over. So here is something else that has happened. She got kicked out of her Moms house because she is so disrespectful and does not appreciate anything. So she moved in with her boyfriend in another towN. Well that lasted 3 months and the boyfriends Mom kicked her and him out. So she went back to her moms house for like 2 weeks but they do not get along. So grandma offered her a place to live and she didnt do it, because she would have rules and she didnt want to have to deal with that. So her Dad stays here with me sometimes but other times him and his brother have a place. So she thought since her Dad stayed here that she would ask to move in. Well I said NO WAY!!!!! First of she has had myrsa and was treated then like a month ago had another outbreak. She did not go to Dr. to get med. It ruptured on its own and she did nothing about it. She also told me that the hospital said it was not myrsa after the test came back. They said it was a staff infection. I said WELL WHAT THE HECK IS MYRSA THEN?? I have a licensed daycare in my home and i cannot take the chance of this in my house because of my job and because of my children and myself. So her Dad found a apartment and him and her are now living together. This made me so mad. I sound who cares if she didnt want to live with her Mom or Grandma. She made her bed so she needs to lay in it. I also felt like he picked her over our relationship. Is this a normal feeling or what is my deal? He said he just wants to get her thru school and then things will be different. Can anyone give me advice on what you think I should do about this? Do i just walk away? i have tried and it is so hard. He is good to me in the big picture, I just feel like no matter what he will drop everything for his daughter.


luckykell's picture

MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a staff infection. 1 in 4 people have MRSA, including myself. Not everybody who has MRSA has "outbreaks", the only reason I found out I had it was b/c I was bitten by a brown recluse spider and found it then. After working in direct patient care at one of the biggest hospitals in OK for 6 years i've pretty much learned if you're not a complete slob then you shouldn't have a problem. Teach proper handwashing. MRSA is on the bottoms of EVERYONE's shoes, do not let toddlers crawl or lay on carpet that has been walked on with shoes. MRSA is not the "big scary monster" everyone wants to make it out to be...majority of the population has it and will never know they have it. If you get any kind of sore, wash it with soap and water, clean it thoroughly you'll be fine. Not worth freaking out over. :::gets off soap box:::

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Ummmm.. sorry but I disagree. MRSA certainly CAN BE a big scary monster. DH and I both contracted MRSA in the fall of 07. We were the only two in the family with it and let me tell you something, I got sick, and I mean I was VERY VERY SICK. High fever, aches, the type we had was not only resistent to Methicillin, it was also resistant to the antibiotics next up and I had to spend two full days having Vancomycin pumped through me in IV form.

If my child was in a daycare in her home and I knew she knowingly exposed my child to MRSA like that I would be beyond pissed. MRSA can kill people if left untreated. Yes, I understand we all carry STAPH, but not everyone carries Methicillin Resistant Staph. There is a difference between the two strains and it's nothing to mess with.

luckykell's picture

I was not at all down playing how bad MRSA is when you get to the point of being sick. From the original post, it sounded like she wasn't sick, just a carrier. Once you have it you always will, it doesn't go away. The point I was trying to make, is that preventative measures is the only way to be safe. It is impossible to have a daycare facility, a restaraunt, a store, or place where multiple people will be going in and out of on a daily basis and not expose them to MRSA. The statistics speak loud and clear. 1 in 4 people are carriers. I am not down playing how sick you can get, like I said I worked direct patient care/code blue team for 6 years...i've seen it. I've had it too, I still have it. But treating a person with MRSA any differently is just as wrong as treating someone with AIDS's wrong. Taking preventative measures is the best way to protect yourself, and not make someone feel like a walking disease.

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Not always. DH and I have repeatedly tested negative for being carriers of MRSA now. I had a very young neice at the time and I needed to be sure I did everything possible that she nor our own kids picked it up from us.

And if this girl hasn't done EXACTLY what the dr's have prescribed for her, with a complete follow up, I wouldn't want her around any small children and risk them picking it up from her. The risk isn't worth it if she doesn't take it any more serious than it sounds.

Most Evil's picture

I think he needs to stay there with SD, if he is not going to hold her accountable, and keep you safe, from SD's shenanigans! I would recommend you stop trying to help this girl, who doesn't want any help from anyone. Honestly I am worn out with this SD, so I am sure you must be too, so enjoy the freedom while you can!
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

lisa1971's picture

would you feel like he picked her over you? of am I just being immature about all of this? I never thought I would feel jealous over a step daughter in a million years, but this goes to show NEVER SAY NEVER. He treats me wonderful until a problem with SD arises and then I start griping and i dont mean just a little gripe I AM TALKIN I GRIPE.. and I have said some pretty hateful things. I dont want to paint this picture that I am MISS INNOCENT cause I'm not, but then this is when we get into to it because even if what i am sayin about her is true HE NEVER ADMITS ANYTHING BAD TO DO WITH HER. It just makes me so mad, but he can see bad things I have said or done but never her. I KNOW BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER but my gosh she sure the heck isnt going to grow old with him(lol) i dont know maybe she will and Daddy can still be given her gas money when she is 40 to go see her boyfriend, who by the way is more worthless than she is, in another town. He just makes things way to easy on her and is not helping her at all. although he looks at it like he is just helping her out, HE IS SO BLIND TO ME. WHY CANT HE SEE RIGHT THRU HER? PLEASE HELP ME, I AM SO OPEN FOR ADVICE

lisa1971's picture

ok thank you for the advice on MRSA, so does this mean she is contagious all the time or is she contagious when she has a sore come up. I hope you understand that I did not let her move in here, because of this being one of the main reasons. I am not around her at all because i would not let her in my house or near my kids when problems started to arise. i didnt want this kind of a example in my house. I have worked to hard making my kids respectful and caring to have her walk in here and could possiably destroy some of there morals.

So you talked about MRSA in your comments which is great and thank you but what would you guys do in this situation if you was me and you really loved her Dad? I have been on a roller coaster ride with him for a while now, and it is getting old, cause we only fight about her and that is it. but why cant i just wash my hands of it and walk away from him? It is so frustrating, I can be so mad and feel I AM SO DONE WITH THIS and then give me a week and I miss him and then like even 2 days after we fight and i say IM DONE i start feeling this anxiety of OH MY GOSH WHAT IF HE MEETS SOMEONE ELSE IN THIS TIME SPAN? HOW WILL I HANDLE SEEING HIM WITH ANOTHER WOMAN? IT DRIVES ME CRAZY AND CONSUMES ME. So please give me some advice and suggestions here, cause I need them. It is so easy to say JUST WALK AWAY, but actually doing it IS SO HARD. I feel so confused. PLEASE HELP ME