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lisa1971's Blog

my step daughter has MRSA

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well i was wanting a little bit of info on MRSA if any of you know. So my step daughter had to have hers lanced open then the hospital said 3 weeks later that it wasnt MRSA but it was a STAFF INFECTIONS. Well what is the difference is my question? Then 1 month later she had another boil(sore) pop up and it popped on its own and she didnt go to the Dr or anything and so there was no meds involved. So here is my question. First she wanted to move in with us and i said NO WAY, first cuz of MRSA and second she is just so lazy and disrespectful.

So am i really jealous of my 18 year old step daughter or what?

lisa1971's picture

Before I get started I need to tell you the status of my step daughters Dad and I so you understand a little bit better. We was married for 5 years and got divorced for one because of the step daughter and then there was another reason involved as well. So he thought he couldnt live without me and we did couciling and we are back together. The only thing we ever fight about is HIS DAUGHTER. Ok so 3 weeks ago before break my step daughter didnt go to school on that Monday.