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Last-Wife's Blog

The child is unbelievable... pretty sure that was my last straw!

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Princess 18 finally called today. Ok, actually, she called yesterday, while I was out shopping with my mom. she actually didn't call me. She called my mom. After my mom talked to her awhile, my mom handed me the phone. And Princess immediately asks me an extremely personal question. (Which I couldn't even hear all of what she said- I just knew it was something I needed privacy to be able to answer...) No, "hi" "hello, how are you?" "What ya been up to?" BOOM. I was stunned. I was like, "What?!"

General sense of "sad" in a sea of otherwise happiness- a love story about a skid

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Princess 18 moved into the dorm on August 14. Since then she has only called me 3 times, and each time it was because she needed help with an online test in a subject I used to teach... She never returns my calls, doesn't answer my texts and ignores my emails.

Growing sense of irritation

Last-Wife's picture

Lazy Boye spent the weekend with Loca Grande. He stayed and missed school Monday so she could take him to the eye doctor. He came home at like 9 pm with new clothes, and lots of shopping bags. He bragged about the new gun Gullible, her husband, got him. (A slightly bi-polar 15 year old hormonal kid does not need a gun, but this is the mid-West...) Thye took him to see Jack Ass, great movie, I'm sure. Oh, and they bought a new car that afternoon since Loca Grande's car didn't pass inspection!

Last thing... I had a lot to say today... This is weird...

Last-Wife's picture

I have become close friends with Loghead's high school sweetheart. Weird, right? She and I have worked together for the last five years. That's what I get for moving back to his hometown area! We've always chatted, and been pleasant with one another... Strange how she and Loca Grande, his exwife- are a lot alike, but I am nothing like them.

OT- Gibby's health progress

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My bio-son Gibby has many of my bad habits. Frankly, it is not in our genetic code to drive past the Golden Arches. and we look it!

I started WW in August and have lost 5% of my starting body weight- about 8 pounds.

3 weeks later, Gibby and I started a health class for kids at our local hospital. In 7 weeks, Gibby has grown 1/2 inch taller; lost 3 pounds, dropped his blood pressure, lost 2 inches off his belly and dropped his BMI down 2 levels.

Starting to simmer...

Last-Wife's picture

It's been since early August since we had a real date. The deal was, I got a night out once a month. Money was not required, but we had to be OUT of the house, TOGETHER. I find I get bitter and resentful after about 5 weeks without one on one time with Loghead.

I think I was able to pass some of it by this fall. The house is different without Princess here. Packing her off to college was one of the best things I ever did for my marriage. LOL

not a totally heartless bitch/SM...

Last-Wife's picture

Princess and Stepping Stone broke up, got back together and broke up again, all in less than 2 weeks time. This time I pretty sure it's for really. The in-laws were over for dinner last night, and after cleaning up, Loghead set up the computer so we could Skype with her. She had a girlfriend with her, so we didn't stay on very long. But it was enough to make her homesick, because less than 20 minutes later she called me, all upset. She's been so broken hearted about the break up that she hasn't been able to keep food down all week, she can't sleep.

A note to my skid...

Last-Wife's picture

Ya know your favorite shirt? The one that's been on the bathroom floor for the last week? The one I have not ONCE nagged you to pick up? I picked it up today...

It made a great toilet scrubber. No harm done. It's been washed- with color safe bleach, in case you wondered. Dried. Folded. And put back with the other clothes you're supposed to put away.

You might want to remember to put away your toothbrush... It's been on the counter for a few days now.

Love, ME

In case you wondered...

Last-Wife's picture

My kitchen isn't totally spotless yet, but Loghead has been hounding at PITA all weekend to clean it up. There are SO MANY dirty dishes, PITA can't even have room to wash them by hand. He has been loading the dishwasher with smaller things and trying to get that caught up so he can have room in the sink to wash the bigger stuff.

Afraid to say it out loud... (kinda long, but good stuff)

Last-Wife's picture

but Lazy Boye 15 and I had a good time on Friday! Afraid if I talk about it, I'll curse myself. He'd been a poophead all week, so I was afraid to take him for his driver's permit test. When Friday morning came, he was a little grumpy. I gave him 3 options and he followed through. I simply turned on the car radio, and told him not to speak for 30 minutes, till we got to our destination, and for him to have a better attititude by then.
