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General sense of "sad" in a sea of otherwise happiness- a love story about a skid

Last-Wife's picture

Princess 18 moved into the dorm on August 14. Since then she has only called me 3 times, and each time it was because she needed help with an online test in a subject I used to teach... She never returns my calls, doesn't answer my texts and ignores my emails.

I am annoyed by this. I know her last year home wasn't perfect (okay- the last 2 years), but most of the issues we had were teenage girl things, and problems she brought on her self. I know I joked when she left that I wouldn't miss her till October 1st! And in many ways, this has been true. I don't "miss" her. My house now has some stability, and I enjoy having the extra bedroom, which is more like an office/workspace now. But that doesn't mean i don't love her... I think it's designed that way, that kids begin to act out when it's time to move on to the next stage in life... That way, you are kinda happy to see them grow and move on (and outta your hair!)

But I think about her from the moment we met. She was 5 and in kindergarten. I was her new teacher, and her daddy was the new building principal. She told me her name was Jennifer. Later, when I was chatting with him, I kept saying "Jennifer," and he finally asked, "Who are you talking about?" "Your daughter?" I said. He told me that wasn't her name. After some questioning to her, he discovered that she was embarassed about her speech impediment and told "the pretty lady" a different name she could say, since she had trouble saying her own name.

I remember before we were dating, I had to drive her to school one day- just helping out the boss, who happened to live around the corner from me. And she talked about how she wished her daddy would find a pretty girl and be happy. I remember a few weeks later when she caught us kissing and she said we had to get married because only married people kiss.

I know I probably fell in love with her before I fell in love with her father.

I know for damn sure I stayed with her father through many rough times because I knew she needed me.

A little girl needs a mother to show her the way in the world. Her own couldn't do that for her most of the time, but I could. I always made sure to be the best mom I could be for HER.

i held her hand when she had her wisdom teeth out. I held her hand when she was rushed to the emergency room after a fainting spell. I held her hand through the months after the "dark thing" happened... I held her hand when her first crush hurt her feelings. i held her hand when her own mother wouldn't make time for her. I planned parties and trips and special days. We shopped, we stayed up late. We laughed and cried.

I was there a year ago when she called me a bitch and said that she didn't need me.

I sat back while she turned her attention to her bio-mom, who constantly slaps her aside and only needs her when she can get something out of it. I sat back when she became more involved in her boyfriend's family than her own. i choked it back when she began calling his mother "mom."

She didn't need me, but I still put together a graduation party, got everything ready for her dorm. Have a special Christmas surprise planned for this year... I wait for her to return a call or a text...

I hate not being needed now. It's selfish, really. I put 13 years of love and discipline into this child, this butterfly, and now she's becoming an adult, and instead of reaping the benefits of all my hard work and support, I'm being shut out.

It sucks.


caregiver1127's picture

Last-wife - don't be upset - I know easy to say but the first few months of college are very busy and time consuming - I remember when I went to college I thought in my head that I would not miss my parents - after 1 week I called my mom and told her I missed her and at that time I truly did but then all of sudden I got real busy making new friends - going to classes - joining groups - working 2 jobs to pay for college (parents could not help at all) - playing Volleyball and getting a new boyfriend - all of a sudden I did not miss my mom - I was just so busy that I did not have time to think about her.

She is just adjusting to a new way of life - If it were me I would write her a letter telling her you miss her and that you would love to hear from her - let her know that she is missed but also realize you helped to create this beautiful adult - you took her when she was a caterpillar in a cocoon and helped her transform into a butterfly - you need to let her spread her wings and fly. Believe me one day and it may take years she will come to realize all that you have done for her and then you will have the friend you always wanted in her. She seems to be a really good kid and you should take so much credit for that - so Let Go and Let God - praying for you because I know you are hurting right now.

Ingrid's picture

I have seen this turn out 2 ways:

1. The SM was cast out from the life of the adult skid and was only called when she needed something.

2. The skid became an adult and realized how much SM did for her and came back around after time passed.

I feel for you and relate in so many ways. My hope for you is #2. Bless you for all you have done.

Being a SM sometimes sucks don't it? You make all the sacrifices of a BM and rarely get any of the BM love that you need.

starfish's picture

i hope the best for you last-wife...

i have been in sd's life since she was 5, and i think i checked out on trying to be the perfect sm when she was about 10. it was clear where my place would be, between mil, sil, bm and sd, so i decided not to take the gamble on possibly being respected and loved for everything i did for her later in life.

we have an ok relationship, sil has commented that she is "happy" sd is comfortable enough to share so many things (feelings/empotions) with me.... i'm sure she really freakin' hates it... either way i'm not going to be hurt if sd decides later in life that she loves or hates me... b/c i'm not putting enough effort out there to resent if it isn't well received.