Ladystark's Blog
Im soooo irritated.
Dh was working late.
He called to tell me he might have to grab dinner, eat without him.
Ok no prob.
I was not feeling like making dinner anyway, baby girls congestion is breaking up so she has had a runny snot face all day...she has been between trying to play and fussy.
Ss comes down, and as im telling him the dinner situation, his friends come to the door. Its 6pm. He asks to eat when he comes back in. I say yeah, come back about 7:20ish.
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Just had the best laugh
My son was being a little mouthy this weekend. When he comes from daddy/grandma time, it takes him a minute to get back on please and thank yous. He is very bossy with them.
Well ss spent the night at his friends, and i promised my son id take him to the arcade at the mall, because the whole weekend was a wash. We were going to go to the beach, but the hurricane messed that up, then baby girl was congested all weekend. So not a super fun weekend.
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Anyone else?
Anyone else hate when your child (that you and dh have together) has something the skid had?
Our daughter is showing signs of a skin condition(i wont get specific) that ss had when he was younger. I have ONLY talked with dh about it. I have never mentioned it around ss. Mostly because i do not want to hear ss talking about it in a baby voice!!
Well dh must have talked to his mother about it. She pops by, and of course has to talk about it, with ss... errr... then i have to hear the baby voice and ss back in the day crap. Vomit.
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I was right.
Ss grades have dropped very low! Surprised?! Nope not at all.
Ss therapist came by monday. She asked me to print out his missing assignments to go over with dh.
I was a little floored by the E in one subject. But i figured it be As in the stuff like music and gym, the rest all Cs and he is about to have a D in math.
Whatever. This is what happens when you let you child do whatever.
Before the therapist came i texted ss "be home by 5:30, please."
He sent back a ok:)
Around 5 he texts his father "can i eat dinner at friends house?"
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A few updates
One- i went to the mom group. Seems cool, i have not offically joined yet, but non of the moms there turned me off...they seem kind of low key, not real pushy. So makes me feel good about joining!
Two- dhs friend (the guy who invited us over for a cook out but already ate) well we were over there today! He invited us(not a guy night) but i told dh to ask about his kids. Dh did not ask and no his kids were not there! Well he invited his woman over and her "bratty" daughter.
So i got to meet this woman.
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Just venting...
Its a small thing that im trying really hard not to make bigger.
Ss has this way of getting a plate out for EVERYTHING. Oh grabbing 3 cookies for a snack, need a plate. Getting a packaged cupcake, plate. Its just so irritating because by the time he walks the plate to the table he is done eating!! Then he throws the plate, which is basically clean, in the sink.
If i say something to ss he hears "not allowed to eat snack" "not allowed to get a plate"
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Just crying...because im crazy...
If anyone has read my stuff, i have been struggling with making plans and doing things because of dh.
I was invited to see my friends son play football today. I told dh. He said i dont have to go right?. So i took him out of the mix. I was going. It was right around the corner, thats why she invited me. I was over her house thursday.
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Im harsh...even though i have not talked to ss in days.
Its been great actually. He has been at friends houses. I barely see him, or talk to him, and if i have to say something i text it.
Well ss comes home for dinner last night.
I wanted to yell at dhs friend!!
Dh worked pretty much the whole weekend.
On monday one of his friends invited us(well him) over. We brought steaks(thank god we brought our own steaks!) It was not an actual cookout, and after the fact i realized he was looking for a "guy" night. His girlfriend could not come over, he was home with the kids, and was inviting just my husband over. My husband is not that guy. When you invite "him" your inviting all of us, unless you tell him different. Lol
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Weird dream last night!
Had a weird-kinda physical dream- cant share it with dh because i punch ss12 in the face!
Well a couple things caused this dream:
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