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Anyone else?

Ladystark's picture

Anyone else hate when your child (that you and dh have together) has something the skid had?

Our daughter is showing signs of a skin condition(i wont get specific) that ss had when he was younger. I have ONLY talked with dh about it. I have never mentioned it around ss. Mostly because i do not want to hear ss talking about it in a baby voice!!

Well dh must have talked to his mother about it. She pops by, and of course has to talk about it, with ss... errr... then i have to hear the baby voice and ss back in the day crap. Vomit.

For the most part ss and baby girl are very different kids! Ive had to hear a few remember when i did that daddy...the big one was when baby girl got a nice egg on her head from hitting the table. The rest of the night was ss talking about his mouth, it got hit with a baseball when he was like 3 or 4 (before step monster time) and his tooth turned black, ugh ive heard this story alot, and i got to relive it that night in full on baby voice mode.

I do not mind hearing what to expect from dh, thats fine. Tell me whats up move along, deal with doctors. When ss gets involved, ughhh. And now he knows so everytime i have to apply meds guess what i get to hear!!! Whoop whoop. Ss war stories!


Acratopotes's picture

Why not simply cut SS off with: SS you already told us that, now hush....

or something like... SS it's not good for ones mental health to live in the past, you should move forward in life...

worked for me when Aergia started with the nonsense about... Daddy remember when.....

Glassslipper's picture

Sometimes (Im a BM and SM) the announcement can be one of the child own safety.
Just saying.
When my ExH had a new baby, the kids were always saying he "spit up/ puked" a lot.
Now ExH and I were together for 10 years, but he was a workaholic and was NEVER home.
DS however has a re-flux disorder that was not caught by the doctors till he was 5 and vomiting blood and bleeding internally and ect.
He had 5 years of us thinking he was just pukey kid, turns out he has a medical condition, well when the new baby and toddler was vomiting all the time, of course ExH and new mom thought the same thing "pukey" kid.
Turns out that wasn't the case and if it had not been for me, nudging SS and saying "sure hope he doesn't have the same thing you do"
There is no telling how long his little brother would have suffered from the condition his Dad had forgotten he has despite his daily medication to control his symptoms.

A friend of mine has a daughter put on birth control to regulate her periods, wakes up in the middle of the night struggling to breath, BM called the Father to let him know they are calling EMT's and going into the hospital. SM then mentions (a little too late) "Do you think your daughter might have the same bleeding disorder that our bio has"
A little too late now.
Her daughter had a pulmonary emboli, because she too had the same bleeding disorder as their bio daughter.

Family history is important in medicine.

hereiam's picture

It's very normal for kids to do this. Shoot, I know a lot of adults who do it.

These are his life experiences and maybe he likes to feel that he can contribute something.

Sometimes we can learn from all of their babbling, sometimes we should just ignore.

The baby voice would annoy me, and someone needs to tell him to stop talking like that if he wants to have a conversation and be taken seriously.