Just venting...
Its a small thing that im trying really hard not to make bigger.
Ss has this way of getting a plate out for EVERYTHING. Oh grabbing 3 cookies for a snack, need a plate. Getting a packaged cupcake, plate. Its just so irritating because by the time he walks the plate to the table he is done eating!! Then he throws the plate, which is basically clean, in the sink.
If i say something to ss he hears "not allowed to eat snack" "not allowed to get a plate"
If he is grabbing 3 cookies, grab a napkin! Those little snack bag of chips, no need to dump them out on a small plate! You can eat those from the bag ss!!
Making him wash his clean plate does nothing. Instead it makes me cringe and realize he cannot wash dishes anytime soon unless im ready to stand there and watch him.
Most kids are mean with their friends, then turn it off around adults. Ss cannot. If he has been around friends being sarcastic, trash talking, EVERYTHING is a joke(like he is on stage getting laughs) he brings that home.
It just gets old real quick.
I try to give him some attention, but its hard. He came home the other day and was excited to talk. He was trying to tell me about why him and his friend were laughing. I did not understand the story, it sounded like the friend was making fun of another kid and ss was just there laughing. I just nodded my head. "Thats nice" the more i know, then the more i have to tell him something he does not want to hear.
He is a terrible story teller. He mixes up events. He tells you stuff that "he was thinking"(but he did not actually say) he also will start telling us something, then just stops, i mean will just stop! Ive learned not to get him going again most of the time its not worth it, or it was a really pointless story. Just rude though.
Not very important vent, just felt good to get it out, since he has been around me since last wed. I had a nice run with him wanting to be around friends.
Hopefully it picks up again.
- Ladystark's blog
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^^^^^^ Thats what my mom did
^^^^^^ Thats what my mom did ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
As a teen I would take bowls and plates into my room and not bring them back out.
She got so upset and angry finding dirty plates in my room, she went out and bought a set of 4 plastic plates/bowls/silver wear, they were RED.
I had to use them and if they weren't clean, or all in my room...well, then I didn't have plates to use.
I learned REALLY QUICK to bring my plates and bowls out to the kitchen, in fact, I stayed in the kitchen with them after that!
remove all the plates and
remove all the plates and leave paper plates for him to use....
or let him do dishes, even if you have to stand over him while he does it...
but remember he use a plate, he's not walking around messing everything up... hell Aergia will eat bread, cake, pies with out a plate and you have all the sauce and icing and crumbs all over the house... she's 17
paper plates! but hey, at
paper plates! but hey, at least he's using a plate!!!
Haha even with a plate, he is
Haha even with a plate, he is so messy.
I do like that he uses a plate, i just do not like washing anywhere from 2-5 extra plates! Lol
My dh and SS14 will leave
My dh and SS14 will leave their dirty paper plates on the counter and not throw them out because they might not be "done". They will sit there all damn day and night.
I like the "special" plate idea for the special snowflake.
Then you throw them out and
Then you throw them out and you hear "aww i was going to use that..." sure you were.
Hey a snack plate is a great
Hey a snack plate is a great idea! I love it! Ill pick one up from the dollar store.
(I mean seriously how did i not think of this)
Thanks ladies.
I have not said a word to him, the only time i made him wash it was a few times i had already Cleaned the dishes and he came down late for a snack. You would have thought i was killing him! Lol so much noise washing one plate, and the "i dont know how" whine! Lol
The talking just gets on my nerves because i would not want someone brushing me off, if i was telling them a story, but i try so hard to follow him and i just want to yell at him "spit it out!"
The last story at dinner was this
"So me an my friend, you know MY friend, not friendx but the other one." " so we were sitting on the....the...uhhh...you know...the thing...the fence, and friend, the friend i just told you about he has a cool bike his bike has this blah blah.."
Dh "you were on the fence?"
Ss"oh! Yeah, we were and the fence was rough but we sat on it ok, we always go there now...blah blah.."
Dh "what happened on the fence?"
Me silently laughing
Ss" oh well he said this we laughed because whatever"
Dh "so friend made a joke, it was funny."
Ss "yup" "so about the fence he put his bike on..."
Ughhh. Like shutit..
When its to dh i crack up watching dh try to follow along, when its just me...not so funny...
Starkie - last night I
Starkie - last night I realized.... I'm living with your SS.... but it's my bio, Deigma..
He's the same and it took me years of getting to sort this out, I did some tests and he is gluten tolerant, now Deigma is already 20, he knows what he can eat and what not and some times when he eats the what nots he's like this again..
It's like the brain is to fast for the mouth, he can't formulate his story, he babbles... but I got so use to say...
Deigma.. calm down now start again and speak slow... I don't get your story, I keep on saying this, think before you speak formulate the story, stop giggling.... and if you eat bread again I will slap you silly..
Usually if I calm Deigma down he can get the story straight and not mix 20 things up...
maybe you should try it and maybe SS has a food allergy you are not aware off...