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What age will the kids be when the DAILY Communication reduces to a more nomal weekly or monthy Comunicado?

Lady London's picture

Hi ladies, can someone tell me what the roundabout age of a child should be when all the daily communication, multiple texts phone calls, from the BM will stop. My two Step Children are 13 & 14 - when will she calm down? There is no need for this amount of contact is there - what has she got new to say EVERYDAY?? lol


TheWife's picture

This is all depends on the BM. I don't think there is any way to tell. Some BM's keep calling even when the kids are grown and on their own. I know for me, it got better when we got SD a cell phone for Christmas. Now BM doesn't have to call under the guise of "SD wants to talk to you." SD can now call and text her dad at her own free will.

BM and DH talk a couple times a week now. Plus, a few weeks ago DH put BM in her place about all the extra calling for BS and she stopped.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

MikeBrady's picture

It should stop now. There isn't any good reason to talk to your ex that much. They should talk once a week in my opinion. BM should just save all the info up until then and just say it all that one time. All the numerous phone calls and texts interrupts your life with you DH. My wife and her ex-husband talk once every couple of weeks for the most part. Depending on what's going on with the kids, they may talk once each week. But that's not often at all. The vast majority of the times, it's just once every two weeks in order to give details on what the kids have going on during the weekend he has them (he gets them every other weekend). My SK's are 11, 14, and 16. There really isn't a reason for my wife and her ex to talk everyday unless all hell is breaking loose.

TheWife's picture

There is no reason, of course. But, more often than not, they still call. It is up to her DH to not answer or whatever. If DH answers, there is no incentive for BM not to call.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

bioandstep2009's picture

This whole daily communication was new to me as well. My XH and I talk once a week and usually about scheduling his next visit with DD11. The calls don't even last a minute. He talks to her when he sees her once a week, and maybe one other time on the phone. BM however calls just about every day or every other day. It IS an interruption in our lives but as she likes to say, "I have a right to telephonic contact with my son..." blah blah blah

CrystalRE's picture

I agree that it depends on the parent. My daughter is 14 and I only communicate with her father one every 2-3 weeks, sometimes even once a month and it has been that way since she was 10 or 11. On the other hand, my step daughters are 6 and 10 and we get CONSTANT emails, texts and calls from BM. I believe that MOST of her communication is pointless and just an attempt to be a pain is the a**. She is unemployed and obviously needs a hobby. We have put stipulations on when she can email and for what reasons to limit the unnecessary contact and it works somewhat. I would say that it isnt necessary for her to contact you or DH except for in an emergency. The kids are old enough that important schedule changes, etc. can be communicated to them.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

My SSs are 12 and 14 and BM emails DH all the time! I do think it has calmed down though. I guess email is better than calling!!

bearcub25's picture

Do you mean BM's age? Cause my attitude is after they hit teen years, they know how to use a phone.
Ours will be 37 in a few weeks and they have slowed but are still about 1 sentence of skids and the rest all about her.

belleboudeuse's picture

You know, my skids were 13 and 14 when it stopped happening. But I don't think it was their age. That was how old they were when my DH grew a pair.


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