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..Kids told not to get train to see Daddy..

Lady London's picture

Why would the retchid BM stop her children from getting the train to see their father. She allows them to get the train everywhere else...

The father thinks they are now old enough 14 yrs lol to come to him - it's an hour drive away - so about the same time on the train!

She wants him to pick them up and drop them every time. BUT their friends are getting trains everywhere even to their fathers houses on weekend visitation!



stepmom008's picture

I don't know much about your situation but I would guess it's some sort of manipulative ploy to see your husband. That's just where my brain went immediately...

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Amazed's picture

Sounds like a power struggle to me. Petty and unnecessary. She could also be craving the sight of your DH.

OR, she might just be a totally into overprotecting her this day and age, I can see worrying about kidnapping and disappearances of a child,even a teen, is a very real and understandable fear.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~

Denial's picture

Besides wanting to see DH and control the situation - if she's like our BM - she enjoys making things difficult for us, even if she doesn't have to lift a finger, anything to make things inconvenient for us.

Lady London's picture

1Life1Chance...yes, arnt they such WANKERS tho! That is why they are BM's and not WIFE's...!!!

Denial's picture

I don't think BM could find another guy stupid enough to be with her (no disrespect to my DH - he was clueless years ago and admits it)

SecondBest09's picture

It's all about control. When my son got his car (as a senior in HS) his Dad wouldn't allow him to drive to my house on the weekends. I live an hour away and it is a small city, but he certainly could maneuver just fine in it. They even went so far as when he was coming home his freshman year of college they STILL wouldn't let him drive the car to see me but he could drive 5 1/2 hours to school and through ANOTHER small city, but not to come see me. They told him that if he had an accident with me or my sister in the car that we would sue them and take away their house. Yeah....right!