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BM wont let 13 and 14 Year Old Kids Stay Home Alone!!

Lady London's picture

The BM is now imposing on DH and my weekend off fron the kids to keep them one night! Why would they need baby sitting they are 13 and 14 years of age. Don't you think they are better off at home instead of BF havng to drive one hour in the evening to pick them up and another hour the following morning to drop them home cause Retchid BM fanices a night out on her weekend with her Children. Sounds like control again to me! DH should tell her to Jog on But he is going to do it!


Storm76's picture

If you guys already had plans, then I'd put your foot down to say no to BM, however if you haven't, then it gets difficult because your DH is probably pleased to get extra time with them (though as he's doing BM a favour she should do the running around!)

You've got to pick your battles really, so unless it's disrupting your plans then I'd let it go.

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

Lady London's picture

Thanks for your comments ladies - its not that we have plans its the fact that they can stay home alone so no need for all the driving as they live quite far away. The only time he will spend with the kids is in the 2 hour car journey - they will be going straight to bed..I think he should make her drop and pick them up...then she would re consider her decision and leave them at home instead of trying to bust his balls which is what she is doing.... DH is a bit of a walkover but next time he will tell her to leave them at home.

onehappygirl's picture

I totally understand this, except in our case, it's done in reverse. Wookie will ask to have the kids during OUR time. She will buy tickets to a play or concert and then want to keep them extra. We used to let her, but not anymore. You spent the money? Too bad.

Our solution - your time, your problem. Our time, our problem.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Lady London's picture

Your lucky lol our BM would never want the kids from us when its our time - all she does is want rid of them at every given opportunity she is a selfish woman dont know why she had kids cause she never wants them around. DH brought them up did most of the feeding and ALL of the getting up in the night and running around she done nothing but spent his money, now DH is with me she cant stand the fact that she has to look after her kids like normal mothers would. Hence wont leave them alone the night coz she wants to control him....CRAZY but true

frustratedinMA's picture

Well, if BM and the man were still together and going out for a night, they would need to hire a sitter. So, if BM doesnt want the kids home alone, shouldnt SHE be hiring a babysitter and not pushing her children off on their father? I dont think its right. I am sure if SM and the dad wanted a night out on THEIR weekend that she would not take her children for them.

I dont get why you are angry w/this woman for wanting to stick to the visitation schedule. What if THEY had plans on their weekend off? Why should they change their plans because BM wants to go out? Why does she have more rights than the SM and dad???

I think you have some misdirected anger, because she stated her frustration and you have some how extrapulated it to you, as well as now implying that she is calling you a freaking lunatic.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

I agree with StepAside on this. I know that my DH loves to have extra time with the kids and has even requested to have them an extra day every week which the answer was no. The boys are getting older so they do stay home for awhile by themselves, and it really would have been nice to have the right of first refusal because BM would always get a babysitter for the boys and never ask us to take them when they were younger. She even had a babysitter take them to one of their games, which we were at.

Lady London's picture

Hiya - no the BM just wants to make life hell for us - she leaves them alone when DH is not around she just wants it her way and for him to have to spend his time on the freeway ....they have plenty of cousins and friends who live local but she knows DH is a walkover and will do it so she takes the piss.....

frustratedinMA's picture

You are just an angry individual, and I really dont know WHY I read the responses you give to others, as they are always dripping w/bitterness. You never look at anything but from you perspective and you JUMP all over anyone that has a nerve to have a different opinion on life from yours.. and that is sad.

I was simply stating that BM was capable of getting a babysitter, and these two could have had their date night. I noticed you didnt disagree w/me that the ex probably wouldnt help them out if the tables were turned. Not only that, but he is doing this for her, and he STILL has to be the one to get them and drop them off. Wouldnt you agree that it would have been nice for her to have OFFERED to do that part, since he was getting them on HER weekend?

Again, not sure why you are angry, but maybe stop taking all these posts so damn personally.

frustratedinMA's picture

My intent is only to support that fellow SM in her VENT.. yes, she is VENTING.. she is allowed to vent.. and most time when people vent, they want people sympathetic to them, so they can get it off of their chest.. not to further insite her as you are INSINUATING.

I NEVER called the BM rude. YOUR WORDS being put in MY "mouth". Perhaps quit reading into what you THINK I am saying, and actually read what I wrote. I also did not CLAIM anything about the dh doing it only to appease the ex. good lord... do you see where you are making crap up that I didnt even WRITE?? are you ok? I think you are off your meds or something.. as your just being ridiculous.

Did I once say what she should do in relation to her DH? NOPE!!!! again.. you making crap up.. which is weird.. since EVERYONE can see plainly what I wrote.. and not what you are CLAIMING I wrote.

Now. you can go pound sand for all I am concerned. I read some of your past blogs. You HATE your steps. Plain and simple. You dont go visit them, you only will see them in YOUR house.. power struggle much w/the adult skids? are they less of skids since they are "adults"??? They hate you, so you claim.. ever think its for good reason? AGAIN.. misdirected anger.. get over yourself.

Let people vent, so they feel better when faced w/the situation they VENTED over!

Scarlett's picture

I think she's hurt by her steps,I don't think she hates them. Especially the one who was trying to reach out to her at one point.

Maybe she thinks that part of the venting process is to get it out but then hear others sides of how things might be outside of the original posts point of view? Is that such a bad thing? I think it does more harm than good when someone blindly supports a vent just to support the persons vent rather than supporting them AND presenting all possible viewpoints on the subject matter at hand.

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Anderson

frustratedinMA's picture

Its one thing to presnet another point of view, and quite another to pretty much put words in the SMs mouth.

I am not "blindly" supporting her vent. I am sympathetic to this woman... yes, but I wouldnt say I am blindly doing anything.

Lady London's picture

The kids are well able to stay at home alone they do it at their dads house. The BM just likes to put DH out cause he moved over an hour away and she cannot control him! I was left alone from 12 years and went to school at 12 years alone by train or bus and I would say its more dangerous for them to walk to school and back alone then to stay at home alone. BM's : they are mostly out to create trouble and make DH @ SP lives miserable!

Lady London's picture

Hiya - no the BM just wants to make life hell for us - she leaves them alone when DH is not around she just wants it her way and for him to have to spend his time on the freeway ....they have plenty of cousins and friends who live local but she knows DH is a walkover and will do it so she takes the piss.....

Scarlett's picture

"Being apart from one's child is not a luxury, it's actually a penalty for most parents."

StepAside, I completely agree with this.

Cece51's picture

I think this depends on the relationship you and DH have with BM. If BM has been flexible to accommodate your plans, then I see nothing wrong with helping her out. IF you didn't already have something planned. If you and DH have plans, it's her responsibility to find childcare if an event she wants to attend happens on her weekend. So simply tell her no you can't do it.

If she's a pain in the butt 24/7 and always has something planned on her weekends, tell her to kick rocks! It's her responsibility to find a babysitter if she's uncomfortable leaving them at home. If she's planning an overnight trip, once again her responsibility to find a babysitter.

frustratedinMA's picture

Also sounds like this favor is costing the dad, as she isnt dropping them off and picking them up. BM still expect the dad to do all the driving to help HER out. I bet it would be a little better if the BM said, and I will drive them to you and pick them up the next morning.

frustratedinMA's picture

You know what.

You're a bitch.. did you EVER THINK OF THAT?

How dare you say he doesnt want to spend time w/his wife.. what a self righteous pompous @ss you are. You drove your ADULT step children away.. and now you descend upon this poor woman simply because you have misdirected anger and why not just stir up the pot.

Did you ever think, her getting out her frustrations now, will allow her to have a BETTER weekend? Someone listened to her complain.. she got that off her chest, so its no longer bottled up. Most of us come here to vent (as the site implies is A OK) because these are things we would NEVER say to our DHs. You are freakin thick. Maybe 39 weeks ago you should have joined a proBM website.. or just a website where people can not stand and want to CONTROL their adult Skids.


TheWife's picture


Frustrated! That was unnecessary. I really want to step in here. Those kind of comments are what makes this site what it is now. Please speak your opinion, and I welcome you to do so, even if you do not agree. But the name calling was ABSOLUTELY unnecessary, and I don't think anything StepAside said warranted that.

Please calm down and re-think your responses in the future.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

frustratedinMA's picture

Well.. I think she is crossing a line when she is insinuating this woman's husband doesnt want to spend time w/her. I have been civil up to this point, but ya know.. hypocrites bug the day lights out of me.. and she has already driven one new member away.. someone that I felt needed this place.. and she made good and sure that she left. Just trying to avoid another person fleeing because this one is just RUDE.

You can look at every post I have ever made, and NO ONE has ever driven me to this point. She cant be civil, then neither can I.

Sorry you dont agree. I do like you TheWife.. but I am done w/the rude self righteous people on here jamming their BMness down a SMs throat. I am both, and have NEVER belittled a SM. This site is for the SMs.. not the BMs that want to bash us.

frustratedinMA's picture

I have been on here for over 2 yrs.. I have seen people like you come and go.. so, no stepaside.. I am not going anywhere. You dont have control over me. I have been on here long enough to know that there are sympathetic ears out there, ones that help you feel better about your situation. I know that you are not the NORM on here where you are PRO BM.

I have self control, dont worry about me.

TheWife's picture

We all get frustrated, and I must admit you did take me by surprise by lashing out like that. I am not going to comment on the difference of opinion because we all disagree. I have my own thoughts and you have yours. I will not tell you that you cannot disagree with StepAside, that would be counter-productive.

But after reading your comment, would you REALLY want to be lumped in with the likes of, say, steperg??


Let's all just agree to not name call, and other than that we disagree until we are blue in the face.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

TheWife's picture

damnit this is all screwed up. This reply is supposed to be for frustrated, but it looks like it is going to StepAside.


Now I am frustrated lol.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

frustratedinMA's picture

Whatever.. get counseling lady.. oh, and quit driving your skids away, or your dh might just one day WALK.. then your kids w/him will be the skids! Hope their SM isnt like YOU

frustratedinMA's picture

"lady" I dont need your forgiveness.. nor do I want it. I am angry at the way you treat some members on here. You are a hypocrite. Are you the only one that can VENT? I mean.. for the love of god.. you started by lashing out at the OP. I just asked you why you were so angry.

I feel for your skids.

onehappygirl's picture

Hey, hey, now! Come on. Our community just went through a shitstorm the last few weeks. You can agree to disagree you know.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

frustratedinMA's picture

I would love it if it was just disagreeing.. but when she is putting words in my mouth.. then thinking for this other woman's husband.. she is out of line.

TheWife's picture

Okay so here is the agreement I have with my DH:

If SD is here on any days that are NOT his custody days, I am to be informed as soon as he finds out she will be here, not find out when I get home and she is already there and he has known for hours.

DH can take SD on any extra days he pleases, long as it doesn't interfere with any plans we have made prior, unless in case of emergency (a couple times BM called DH to come get SD because her and her husband were fighting). We don't really fight about who picks up who because we all live so close.

When DH does take SD on extra days, she is HIS SOLE responsibility. If I feel like lounging in my room and watching TV and she needs to be somewhere, you agreed to take her today, don't ask me to help unless I volunteer.

This arrangement works out well for us because DH gets to spend time with this kid, but also I don't get stepped on because IF we already have plans in place we don't change them and BM has to get a sitter. And I also don't have my kid free time impeded on because I will help him on his regular custody days, his extra time is just that, HIS extra time.

Maybe you guys need some sort of agreement on what extra day protocol is? But think about if you had kids. If you got to spend some extra time with them and it didn't effect anything DH and yourself had going on, wouldn't you be mad if DH had an issue with it?

Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

sweetthing's picture

Who does a husband owe his loyalty to, his wife, his kids ore his ex??? To me in a relationship that is based on respect if BM wants dad to take the kids on a weekend night that is hers, she asks & dad needs to say, let me talk it over with my wife & see what we have going on & I will get back to you. What cheeses most of us off on here who have step children that have visitation is when our men make decisions with their exes & not us. THAT is imo what is wrong here. Who doesn't want to have a say in what goes on in their own home.

If I want an evening w/o children I have to get a sitter, my parents if they wanted an evening out w/o children they had to get a sitter, that is part of life. Their is nothing wrong with BM asking dad to take the kids, but dad needs to respect is current wife & include her in the decision, unless he wants another ex wife. Smile

I always tell my husband you think BM is a Biotch, I am smarter & gave up a whole lot so it is in your best interest to not have me for exwife #2.

frustratedinMA's picture

Sweetthing, I agree with you, the marriage should be the first loyalty.. he should check with his wife to make sure there is nothing going on before making such a committment. now, I know that I am the one that is going to get ripped apart for saying/agreeing w/this.. so.. I DONT CARE in advance! lol.

I know I check w/my dh before I make plans.. whether it be on skids weekend or not. When we committed to each other, I know I am not the sole decision making person in that family... nor is my dh. We present each other with what we would like to do or go or have over if it will affect the other person.. then we make a decision TOGETHER. Its called respect.

Did we have this system worked out at first?? NOPE! lol.. do we now?? YES. We have a unique situation, in that my dh's visitation is not set in stone. He doesnt have anything specific assigned. What they do, is after DH and I discuss what we have going on in X month, he then plans vistitation requests around that. He then discusses w/the ex the weekends he would like, and they go from there. It has worked thus far..

sweetthing's picture

FM, You have said nothing to be ripped a part for. Respect is something missing in most marriages & in life today...sorry I am on a roll with this today.

If I make plans that involve myself & my husband I check with him first, guess what I did that in my first marriage where there were no kids, and almost every normal married person I know does that.

My husband for one would LOVE it if BM would give up time on her weekend & let the kids come over ( BM would NEVER do that, she would rather leave 7 kids home alone to babysit themselves so she can go do Kareoke than allow the kids more time with their father) I for one love my steps but you know what even I need the two weekends a month with a few less kids & crazy going on and I don't feel guilty for saying that.

frustratedinMA's picture

And you shouldnt!! None of us should. That is the thing.. and when people express that opinion lately, or sympathize w/someone that does, they get torn to shreds.

Glad you are still around Sweetthing!

sweetthing's picture

Hey, the only way I will ever catch up on my laundry is if I have weeknd with only 2 mess makers ( DH & BS) verse all 4 walking mess makers, hollowed leged men who need my attention & create work for me. My only female companionship is a 7lb weiner dog and she can't reach the dials on the washing machine. Smile