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Klepto BM

Kinder1's picture

SS27 showed us more restaurant items last night at his house stolen by BM from a local restaurant (the staff know DH and I very well). She takes restaurant items in restaurants including twice in my presence at family events. DH finally admitted to me he thinks "it's way off". I have been disengaging from being around her since the kids got older as well as the 3 Skids for various reasons. Why does this make me nervous??


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Maybe because you don't condone thievery, and her crazy goes against your standards and ethics?

I would be so embarrassed by such behavior. But apparently that's the skids' normal. I encountered this with my MIL. She was a severe alcoholic who had a penchant for helping herself to restaurant supplies (glasses, silverware, salt and pepper shakers, condiments, tea bags crackers, etc) as well as motel towels, ashtrays, and probably all sorts of other things. My sisters-in-law would laugh about it, DH would look uncomfortable, and I would be :jawdrop:

Distance is your friend here, because their norm is so different from your own. You could diplomatically offer to return the stolen items, citing your relationship with the restaurant staff, but your DH would have to be willing to back you up.

notsobad's picture

I'd tell the staff to watch BM and the skids when they come into the restaurant.
And if she did it in my presence I'd be very loudly asking her what she's doing and making a scene. I don't care if it's a family event, you are not the one in the wrong. She is.