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Any one's SK's or BK's have nightmares everynight?

Kerrid04's picture

My SD that's turning 7 in a few weeks has nightmares every night. The other day it freaked me out I heard her screaming so I ran in her room and she jumped out of her bed and looked at me with Horror on her face asking me WHERE'S MOM? over and over again. I told her to lay down she was having a dream. She laid down but then started to shake like she was freezing teeth chattering and everything. This went on for a few min and during she kept sit up and look around the room still looking for something. I kept telling her to lay back down and telling her it was ok then I started trying to calm her down by petting her hair but she said Its to fast it's to fast in my head, Please stop... So I stopped a little freaked out I kept trying to talk her down cause I could tell she was still freaking out, so she finally closed her eyes then opened them a min later and she said whats wrong? did i have a bad dream? The next night she woke up 2 times waking me up saying she had a bad dream and couldn't sleep. These dreams our never good dreams always crazy things like i ran over her grandma my MIL with the car, A man was climbing in her window to get her, One day she woke up telling me that she had a dream that a guy was chasing her and my BD with a knife and she was going to help her sister but then the guy came for her so she ran and left her sister so she didn't get killed and my BD her sister got killed I don't think this is really normal and I don't let her watch anything scary at all so I don't really know what to do but i am afraid there is something more to it then her having dreams.


Zoie's picture

My SD has these night terrors / bad dreams when she's overtired, stressed out and when she is on antibiotics..yes antibiotics..that's when these crazy dreams are the worst and she is screaming and sleep walking....It's enough to scare the daylights out of me..

My SD was also waking up and coming into our room and telling us that she couldnt sleep because she had a bad dream..this went on for months and finally my DH told her go back to your room and read and do not wake us up again unless it's an emergency ... so that solved that..

Kerrid04's picture

Thank you all so much. I think it's alittle of everything changing in her life and defenitly being over tired she thinks a 9:30 bed time for a 6 soon to be 7 year old is to early and started crying ot me the other day cause she never get to stay up past 10pm LOL I told her to get in bed so she does everything she can to stay up as late as she can. It doesnt help DH always tells her she can stay up late with out going over it with me cause he gets to go to work everyday I have to deal with the tired kids the next day oh and did I mention some days we have to wake up at 5 am to get DH to work. I always make the kids go back to bed when we get back home if it was up to SD daughter she would stay up @ ChaosUncontained I am about 99.9% sure she has ADHD also and think that has something to do with it her mind is always racing.

qtpie568's picture

I babysit for my boyfriend's cousin several nights a week. I usually don't put the kids to bed, but am responsible for them all night until about 9 in the morning. Her oldest is only 2, and she has night terrors. So does the cousin's sister. It's common in some kids, and it doesn't mean that they necessarily have ADHD.
When the two year old has these dreams, I just take her into the bathroom and tell her to go potty until she does, otherwise she will wet the bed. Then, I lead her back to her bed and just tell her everything is okay and she needs to go back to sleep. A few minutes later she will go back to sleep and have no idea that anything even happened.
The cousin's sister also has no idea what happened in the morning, and she is 16. They aren't really anything to worry about. She might worry about it, or she might not.

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