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BM Forgets birthday or Phone # ???

Kerrid04's picture

So this past week was SD birthday she turned 7. We let her got to MIL house for the beginning of the week and MIL was going to bring SD back the day before her birthday well things changed needless to say and DH had to work. Well to get to the point BM doesn't call my cell,DH cell or MIL house or cell to say Happy Birthday to SD. The day after her birthday she call MIL house leaving a message saying she tried calling my cell and DH's cell but said we played phone tag with her and wouldn't give her a straight answer about where SD was going to be on her birthday. when we asked her she said it went right to voice mail. I call B***S***! I asked her what number she was calling and if it was the 2*7 number and she said no it was the other one. The thing is I have had the same number for the last 10 years.So now she is trying to turn her either forgetting it was her daughters birthday or being to high to call on us. Makes me so mad and on top of that when she did get a hold of SD she told her to tell me and DH that she would be coming to our house on Monday or Tuesday to visit so make sure we are home. The messed up part is she hasn't seen SD since last August when she came to my house with her new son and her boyfriend and tried cooking dinner although i had dinner already in the crock-pot then tried taking SD upstairs to give her a bath then her BF had the nerve to ask to spend the night.That's when we gave them the boot after 6 hours of dealing with them talk about there room mates (the live in a studio apartment with 4 other people not including the 3 of them)and how the smoke crack all day and night but it doesn't effect the baby cause they have sheets up separating there "room" for the other people.


Anywho78's picture

Wow! Your poor SD! BM Nasty doesn't call my SS8 or SD7 on their Bday's either (busy at work don'tcha know). Did your SD even notice that she didn't call? Mine don't register that unless someone is stupid enough to bring it up.

You're nicer than I am...either BM coming into my home is forbidden...not to mention attempting to cook in my kitchen! Hell no!

I feel bad for your SD's BM's baby though...he's already in need of counseling & is only an infant! Wow! Has anyone called CPS?

Anon2009's picture

BM never calls or acknowledges SDs on their birthdays. Once she lost custody she dropped the kids like hot potatoes because her CS paycheck from DH ended. It's so sad.