kaffonseca's Blog
HOW do you disengage part-time??
Is it even possible? As alot already know I am with SS5 more than his own father. BM is NOwhere to be found..he doesn't even know who she is. My FH works 9am-9pm except Thursdays and Sundays are his days off. So from 5-9pm during the week and ALL day Saturday I care for SS as my own.
When he is in my care I take care of him and discipline him as I feel fit. (I've never done more than send him into time out though). Even putting him to bed early I called FH and asked his permission...
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Need help (serious) what does a 6yr old boy play with???
I'm being dead serious. I love this child and want him to grow up socially normal for his age group. The ONLY toys this kid has (no exaggeration are WWE wrestling figures.) That is what he plays 24/7..he has over 150 wrestlers.
So I went to the store today (a kid's consignment shop) to buy some toys..and I had no idea what to get him. The way he acts he is socially at a playschool age..but that will just promote his "babyish" ways. My friend's son is 6 and he plays with Nintendo DS...etc..now I don't have $$ for that right now..but seriously..I was clueless what to buy him.
OT: Free cars for Welfare Recipients
So I live in Mass..and there is a program on the table since 2006 that is now undergoing fire because they want more funding for it...basically welfare receipients get free donated cars , welfare pays the insurance, AAA coverage for a year so that the recipient can get a job...after the year they can keep the car regardless of whether they have a job or not....here is a link to more info:
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I am the only one just constantly annoyed by it all
ugh..I know it has to stem from a personal problem I'M having..in all honesty SK's are not bad kids...they are better kids than my own BD was..I just feel so overwhelmed lately and frustrated with them AND my FH.
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So FH has to bring SS5 to a dr checkup at noon. I asked FH if he wanted me to go..he said no..it's ok I don't want you to miss your lunch break. (it was just a checkup to check his weigh as he isn't gaining any weight and he's underweight)...so about 12:20 he texts me that SS5 gained a lb and that they are leaving now and he is dropping SS5 at daycare now. THAN I get another text that BM was there with SS2..and that FH had NO idea she was going to be there and that coincidentally SS2 had a dr. checkup too!!! Oh wow..how lovely!!! ARRGGH..
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TOTALLY OT - miscarriage? a little TMI
I'm at work at my desk trying to hold it together. I think I'm having a miscarriage (didn't even know I was pregnant). I go to the doctor in 45 minuts. It started out bleeding earlier this week (a week before period is due)..I NEVER have breakthru. I AM on the pill also..but got pregnant on the pill before - go figure.
I started bleeding, but not alot..it would stop. This has been going off and on all week..than last night I started having really bad lower dull pains in my uterus area..and than this am I've been having back pains.
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A BIOD seeing the light of BM and SS
I couldn't think of a better title?
It goes to show that even though WE as SM's (& SD's) are painted to be evil...there ARE times that it is discovered that we were right all along.
Once upon a time I was deeply in love with a man that had a SS(who was 7 at the time) and he had a WICKED BM that self admitted that because my Ex left her when there son was a baby that she would never let him find peace.
It wasn't just the BM that was a nightmare though..the SS was spoiled rotten by dad and babied by mom...
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SK poll regarding Mother's Day
Just curious..I'm sure there will be mixed responses.
Would you rather the SK's be with you this Mother's Day or with the BM..
I'm sure it depends on the relationship with BM and the SK in general.
As for me, I like my SS2..he is adorable (annoying at times like any baby or when he always begs for food)...as soon as he walks in he runs to me and hugs me..I've grown fonder of him the past few weeks. Now Sat. - Sunday night is FH's time with him. I asked FH if he was going to have him or the BM...because of Mother's Day - he didn't know.
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OT: our engagement announcement
I came into work this morning to find this past's weekend's Sunday engagement section on my desk. There was an engagement announcement of FH and I. I think his mom sent in the info., I'm not sure as I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet.
But it made me smile. It's the first time I had an "engagement" announcement and I feel like a little girl planning her "big day"..even though I'm not planning on having a big wedding, a ceremony on the beach in Jamaica is what we want.
I just thought I'd share my happiness..
I wonder if BM will see it..LOL!
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I'm NOT a built in babysitter..they are your kids
Ok..I have self proclaimed that my SS5 is mine in my heart..so that is fine..taking care of him, watching him,etc...is my own initiative...but even than I am starting to feel a little non appreciated for stepping in and taking the mother role so well. BUT FH's 2yr old son has a mom and a dad and FH only has him two days a week. I feel when he is with his dad that his dad should take care of him...not me..and I'm SURE BM would not appreciate me taking care of her child or disciplining him when he is in our home.
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