kaffonseca's Blog
FH thought it was "weird" that I didn't bring SS!!??? LONG VENT
I love my SS5..and the fact that his mother is not around and that FH has full custody does not make it hard as far as dealing with a BM (he has one of those too though..ARRGGH!)
Do you ever call your SK's your "fake" name in real life?
I notice that alot of people on this site have fake names for their SK. I don't remember the poster's name..but "blabb" is the pseudonym on here. Do you ever call them by that name in real life?
I named BM "Ms. Piggy". That is what I have her under in my cel phone ..and that is what I call her in real life (except when her son is at our house). But if she calls..I say to FH "it's Ms. Piggy"..lol...just wondering..lol.
Follow up to my Easter worries
As an earlier blog had written, I was all anticipating some huge production, drama during Easter in regards to my SS. At first she had said she was going to FL with her mom, but that didn't happen..lo and behold she stayed home..we have NO idea why..but anyways.
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Push my SS, I'll push you!
SS5 last night informs my BD13 and I that when he used to go to my FH's X's house (not SS5's mom) afterschool for her to babysit him that her current BF at the time would make him...even push him sometimes when he refused to..upstairs and "play". FH's "baby" would be upstairs already in his crib. I sat him down and talked to him very nurturing and calmly and asked him to tell me what happened. SS has a habit of making up some stuff sometimes so before I told FH I wanted to make sure that SS was not "exagerrating".
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Good Morning!! I'm happy today, but feel evil.
In following some recent posts (my Easter post and Lies by Ommision post)my FH started the conversation with me yesterday in regards to Easter and Ms. Piggy calling him. She called him yesterday (everday she finds some new reason in her life to call him) to tell him that she HAS to go to Florida with her mom (she lives with mom) because one of her mom's friends is very ill. They are leaving tomorrow and staying for a week. So they will be gone Easter. FH was upset because we had planned on having his "Baby" for easter and I was going to decorate eggs with the kids Sat.
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Child support/DOR experience?
I went thru DOR when my XH and I divorced and we basically came to an agreement outside of the "guidelines" so I know a little but not alot of what they take into consideration. My FH and BM have an agreement that he pays the "babys" health insurance and he also gives her $75.00 a week in child support. He gives her a money order so that he has receipts (good boy). Anyways..she called him last night to tell him that she is going to apply for welfare because she "can't find a job". SHE HASNT EVEN GOTTEN OFF HER COUCH AND LOOKED..but anyways.
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EASTER-unique situation-advice wanted
I'll try to explain as easy as possible, but weird setup. MY FH has a son(5) he has custody of (BM nowhere to be found) and than has a son(2) with BM (Ms. Piggy). BM was in SS5's life from about 2.5-5 yrs old.When FH and BM broke up she continued to watch SS afterschool (charging FH..WTF! That was your SS)..when she found out about me she told FH she can't watch SS anymore because he doesn't listen. It was FINE with me as I didn't want her watching SS. I found another sitter that he is now very happy with.
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OMG! Drop off and pickup a PRODUCTION! VENT!!!VENT!!
My FH always asks me if I want to go with him to drop off "baby". In the beginning he basically begged me to go..hey fine with me-shows me he's not hiding anything..but now that so much has happened with BM,etc. I can't stomach going there anymore.
So FH goes yesterday after picking up SS5 from school to pick up "Baby". Of course SS5 has to go into house (Ms. Piggy always gives him snacks,etc). It's never just a stand at door pickup leave when SS5 is with FH.
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Dislike FH youngest son..Ms. Piggy's fault (LONG)
I don't know what the correct abbreviation would be.(for now I'll used "baby". He is not my SS as we are not married. FH has custody of one son that is 5 that I'm planning to adopt once we are married. The mother is nowhere in sight. Than he has a 2 yr old with a lazy leech I call Ms. Piggy. YEs, she is big but that is not why I call her that. She sits all day at home on myspace on a laptop that she RENTS and uses his child support to pay for it and stuffs her face all day.
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update from boundaries post! I told her off!
First off, let me say I love this site already..to find a site that it's ok to let your guard down and admit to insecurities, jealousies and plain bitchiness at times is GREAT!.
I posted the other day about my FH's BM (I'm still getting used to the correct abbreviations) using their 2yr old to call him nonstop..go into his job because the "baby wanted to see dadda"..etc..etc..
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