Why do I even bother?
I don't know why I even bother. What is the f*ing point? I joined this family hoping that I could be happy. I am miserable. And nobody cares. I don't know that I've ever been so alone, even when I was alone.
As I knew would happen, SD20 has returned to princess status (see previous blogs). I expected it from inlaws, I didn't expect it from DH. I thought he had my back. I guess I was wrong. We've been meeting with our pastor every week since the CPS incident and family implosion in January. He recommended we set some specific limits between DH and I about how we should handle her. The things we agreed on were 1)We were not supporting her financially 2)She was not to be in our house for 6 months 3) He would not discuss me with her at ALL for 1 month.
One week after our agreement, he had a discussion about me and our relationship with her and HIS PARENTS. Guess that promise didn't mean anything. Yesterday he told me he gave her money. Guess that promise didn't mean anything either. Makes me wonder if she's been lounging around our house while I'm gone.
The worst part about him giving her money is that he was mad at me for being mad. Like how dare I question him and what he decides to do. He didn't even have the balls to tell me when we were alone, he told me in front of the pastor. Talk about uncomfortable. It's really difficult not to say "Are you fucking kidding me?" in front of a pastor. But that's exactly why he did it.
We agreed before we got married that we would make parenting decisions together. I guess he's changed his mind. Tuesday we sat down with SD20 (the first time I've talked to her since January) to discuss how the relationship will be with her living next door. I told her that I would be socially polite to her and that was it. I didn't want any other kind of relationship with her until she got her act together. We did this because yesterday was DH moms bday and for her birthday she wanted "her whole family together". Talk about pressure. I didn't want to meet with her, but I did because DH wanted me to. Afterwords, he didn't really say anything to me about it. Yesterday, I accidentally (really) saw a text message from him to her thanking her for having the conversation with us. Thanking HER!!! Um, I don't recall getting thanked.
So he says he wants me to be at the bday dinner, and act like I normally do, like be engaged in the conversation and whatever I needed to do to make his mom happy. So I did exactly what he wanted even though it was pure hell for me. So after, I waited and waited for him to acknowlege it. I sat and stewed for several hours. Finally he said something about it, but it was obvious he only did it because he knew I was pissed. I bet he thanked SD20 for putting up with me.
SD15 now has 3 D's and a C-. The school year is over in two weeks. Evidently he expects me to fix this. We've been talking to her about it for two months and he hasn't punished her or done anything. Guess I'm supposed to do it. Like I need another reason for them to think I'm a bitch.
We took away SD15s phone after we found the text messages where she called me all kinds of names and her boyfriend threatened to kill me. A few days later, we realized she had been texting on her IPOD plotting to get CPS here and get to live at her moms. So we took that too. About a month ago DH decided she should have it back (without asking me) as long as she promised not to text on it. Yeah right. Tonight I found out that she's been texting on it the entire time she's had it back. I kept telling him that he needed to check it periodically to make sure she really wasn't doing it. He did it once about a week ago and said she wasn't doing it. But evidently he gave her enough notice so she could delete the app before he checked.
There is so much more, but I'm not sure anyone has even read this far. I don't know what to do. I'm doing everything I can and it isn't good enough. We keep fighting. I'm tired of being lied to and talked about, I'm tired of SD20 being more important that anyone else. I'm tired of DH keeping secrets from me and rewarding SD20 for being a selfish manipulative bitch. Tonight he took them all to dinner and the movies. Way to reward bad behavior.
The only good thing I can say is that SS14 is a dream. I couldn't ask for a better son if I gave birth to him myself.
I miss my dog. I miss having a life. I miss smiling. I miss my husband. I miss being me.
- Justwantsomepeace's blog
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Some companies will let you
Some companies will let you restrict certain features on the phone. IF your H wanted to, he could look into that. Of course she's going to txt. No one is following up on punishments.
Oh I have an SD15 too. They suck.
Why do the girls suck so bad?
Why do the girls suck so bad?
I have no idea, but my
I have no idea, but my negative feelings are stronger than any I've ever had.
Wait I do know. They have daaaaaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyyys that make them that way.
I feel so bad for you!!!
I feel so bad for you!!! These DHs of ours always seem to be "kissing SDs asses"!! And we get shit on! And yet we love these men so much it's hard to just up and leave! I know that's my case... But I think there comes a time when u need to put yourself first! Obviously he isn't. Can u/ would u leave?? It would be like a victory for SDs but who the hell cares anymore? U could be happy one again. Regain some sanity! Lol. Have u ever given him an ultimatum? And then go away for a couple days?
hopefully the venting helps?!?
I would take that iPod away myself and it would just "disappear" and if the idiot bought her another... That would disappear too! That is privilege she doesn't deserve!
Wish I had some better advice...
that's exactly right, kissing
that's exactly right, kissing SD's asses.
The hard part of this is that
The hard part of this is that up until recently DH has been really supportive and has really tried to get through this together. I don't know why he's doing this. I'm really confused.
I will not ask him to choose between me and his children. I don't think that it is fair. I have encouraged him to continue his relationship with SD20 as he wants to, but with the things we had agreed upon. I just don't want to be a part of it.
I do think the IPOD fates intervened on their own, a kid at school broke her screen last week and now part of it has fallen out and it won't work at all. It was a Xmas present from DH's parents. If they buy her another one I will flip my lid.
I cant so relate! Consider
I cant so relate! Consider your expectations of your role in this deal. The more you expect the higher the risk of YOU getting disappointed and frustrated.They prolly dont even notice your stewing anyway. Getting back your life isnt throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Disengage in a few situations and let things be. Steps dont have authority..period. Say"see ya"..as you head off to the beach or mall on do your own thing!
Justwantsomepeace.....I feel
Justwantsomepeace.....I feel like poking my eyes out most everyday!!!! I hate my life and want my old one back.....I am sick of being the doormat to a PIA kid!! SD13 is the most VILE hateful kid I have EVER EVER EVER delt with and the EXCUSE making that DH and my inlaws does drives me battttty!! Seems to me that I am the ONLY one who cares or is bothered by all of this....(other than to be the scape goat for ALL Sd's failures!! baaaa~~baaaa~~)
I joined ST a few months ago and I gained unbelievable STRENGTH from the insight of all of you "Co~Wicked Step Parents"!! this site has saved my sanity and my mind!
FIRST DISENGAGE......then DISENGAGE again and when that is seeming to work D~I~S~E~N~G~A~G~E AGAIN!!!!!!!! These SD and their DADDDDDIEEEEES MUST learn that WE StepMOMs are for REAL and are no push overs...WE are a very important part of our new families and We WILL be respected at the HUMANs we are!! No LONGER dirt and doormats to be pushed around at the spoiled BRAT's beck and call!! AND DOD's MUST LEARN that Guilty Parenting causes Weak/Dependant/Entitled/Cry Babies that NEVER grow up and will ALWAYS depend on DOD to support them and their spawn.....until that day we must stick together and have each other's backs....
yes this when that is seeming
yes this
when that is seeming to work D~I~S~E~N~G~A~G~E AGAIN!!!!!!!
LOL!! Im needing to PRACTICE
LOL!! Im needing to PRACTICE what I am preaching?!?! I could choke my Dh right now...so my chant is D~I~S~E~N~G~A~G~E.... AGAIN!!!!!