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Jewals's picture

So things "appeared" to be a little better ... Hubby was backing me up until the shampoo being dumped out issue. Today I got up and got myself and the 2 SKs ready for church. When SS 8 was in the shower I walked by and said hurry other ppl still need showers (he left the door open and was just sitting in the shower floor). So I told DH he needed to go make him hurry before the hot water was out. He yelled out hurry up. I walk by and he said I'm done washing. I said ok well turn the water off and get out... He's standing there will a bottle of soap... Dumping it.. I said quit pouring it out and get out.. He says ok and dumps more.. So u go get DH who just yelled get out .. So I walk by again and he's dumping more .. So when I started fussing satin what's your problem that you feel the need to not mind ? He finally gets out (DH never says a word).

Then I'm putting BS in car seat.. SS8 asks I his shoes are on the right feet.. He's almost 9 might I add my response is you figure it out bc We've told you that you are more than old enough to know what's right so I'm not gonna answer that. So he tells me I'm mean... I say well If that makes me mean I'm sorry but you need to learn.. So he begins telling BS2 to say that I am mean..that doesn't set well with me

so we leave for church.. DH has to go in the gas station and get gum.. SS needs a drink ... So while DH is in side & SS begins telling me how he doesn't have to listen to me & his daddy doesn't care if he doesn't listen to me (all bc I told him and his brother to calm down & quit wrestling). DH comes out and I tried to get SS to tell his daddy what he said and he refuses so I tell him and he says NOTHING!!!


Jewals's picture

He's heard him say this stuff ..
I've video taped stuff and tried to show DH and he rolls his eyes and refused to watch or listen

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

wow. your DH is an idiot. I would make his life hell seeing as he's allowing his child to do that to you.

As for the soap thing. walmart sells these really small travel bottles. I would put SS's soap in that bottle. Not even fill it up all the way and tell him that's all he gets for the week. If he dumps it, he no longer has soap to wash himself with. Or, I would just have him hold out his hand while he showered and give him a dime sized glob in his hand to wash with. No way would I leave or allow him to have hold of any of the bottles of soap. shampoo, etc. I'm so against wasting money. that would drive me nutts.

Jewals's picture

He is an idiot ... The less I do for him and his kids the worse he makes it on me & the worse he let's them be