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Following me

Jewals's picture

Yesterday afternoon we went to the oldest steps ballgame. First time I have gone to the concession stand this season bc of the ex. I took the long way around so I didn’t have to pass her. I went in the bathroom and when I came out the ex was standing beside my niece.. I stood back and waited for her to get her food and When my niece turned and walked away the ex went and sat down at the picnic table. I walked by to meet up with my niece. When I walked by I looked the other way & she whistle at me !!!  My niece said was that her bc that lady kept staring at me while I waited on my food. 

Told dh I didn’t want her near my kids (again) and what she did. He acted like I was being a baby and was like so what if she whistled at you.. she didn’t follow you she was already over there when u went.. no dumbass she wasn’t bc so you honestly think I would let my kids go over there if she were there ?? Hell no! 


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

If BM makes you uncomfortable and DH defends her, I would just tell DH that you aren't going to attend any more skid events until she learns some boundaries. Your DH may not be happy but at least you won't give her the opportunity to harass you.

Maxwell09's picture

Don’t avoid her by going into the bathroom. This is going to sound childish but throw back to every kid movie about kids on the playground and all those silly “turf rules”. This is the life your BM is living and you are encouraging it by playing sheep. If you’re going to go to watch your skid then go, be there and do not go out of your way to avoid BM. If she’s in line to the concession stand and you need something then go stand behind her and wait your turn like any other adult would. If she’s whistling at you then you can either ignore her or do what I prefer which is pull up the ole camera phone and record. Why? Because BM gets flustered when I have proof she’s being antagonistic so she can’t play the victim. She will immediately run from situation and go back to leaving me alone. You could honestly just probably stare at her and she give her the attention she so desires until you get helped at the concession stand or she stops. You’re honestly letting her win by all the work you put into avoiding her and then with you and your SO fighting. Stop playing her games. Do the opposite of what she wants which is clearly to intimidate you.  

Jewals's picture

I didn’t go in the bathroom to avoid her. I actually walked with the kids to the concession just to use the bathroom & when I came out she was there. This woman lives for drama so I just ignore her. I judged needed to vent

lieutenant_dad's picture

Maybe I am missing something, but why is this a big deal...?

Has she threatened you? Assaulted you? Caused countless problems?

So she whistled. And? You ignore her. Or you wave politely. I'm not seeing why you're making a big deal out of it.

Jewals's picture

actually the woman has done nothing but cause problems. She assaulted me in the kids school, she tells the kids doctors that she doesn’t know if they are sexually abused at our home, she goes around telling people that DH is a woman beater, she’s tried to have him put in jail several times. It’s a big deal bc I dobtry to stay away from her just so there’s no reason for there to be any drama and I can’t even go piss without being harassed. She stood right with my niece in the line at the concession stand starring her down making her uncomfortable. 

Disneyfan's picture

How do you know she whistled at you?  You weren't even looking at her when you walked by.  

If you are that spooked by the woman, why attend events if you know she will be there?

twoviewpoints's picture

" Told dh I didn’t want her near my kids (again) and what she did"

What is he going to do about it. You and your kids attended an event for the skids that BM has every 'right' to attend. If you want to not be a possibly of BM, you and your kids stay home and away from the chance. 

Being there has been a PO barring your DH from these kids "for a few years" [per one of your postings on forum side], why did you go and take your own kids along? You said PO doesn't expire for at least a couple more months. 

BM looking at your niece while standing in a line at a food stand is not illegal nor unusual. Unless the woman has her eyes closed, she's looking at something or someone. And the whistling? You didn't look at her, as already stated. Maybe she was calling in kids to eat. Maybe she spotted a friend she wanted to shout out to take notice. Maybe she was being a jerk. It was a whistle. 

If you took the long route to the food stand to avoid being seen going to food stand, how do you know BM even followed you over there. 

If this is all so traumatizing to you, just stay away from the events. It's not like she's staked out in the bushes deliberately spying on you and/or following you around in areas she shouldn't be.