Jcksjj's Blog
Is it worth it?
SD being gone for a month was the happiest I've been in at least 2 years. And the second she was back....downhill.
Is it worth it? Idk. Another 9 years of her being in my house about half the time? Plus the drama caused surrounding her and BM when they arent here? Shes on BMs team 100%. We have never and are never going to blend. That's not possible when the kid is more attached to the ex and the ex has a different agenda. Not to mention they're both narcissistic.
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Omg DH stop trying
DH still hasnt been able to let go of one thing regarding BM - her superiority. She was always the "better" parent, only she knew how to play with SD, only she could make SD happy, etc. Shes superior to everyone in every single possible way.
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"When did you give up on her?"
DH asked me the other day when I "gave up" on SD. I think maybe his viewpoint of "gave up" is when I disengaged, not sure. But I find this question an odd thing to say to a stepparent, because it kind of implies that I had the same responsibility toward her that he does in the first place. I started out including her in things with ODS to be inclusive and kind and try to forge a relationship. I was not invested in her as a parent in the first place.
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Did anyone grow up with 50/50 custody?
I'm really curious as I know the trend right now is swinging towards 50/50 being the ideal, as compared to EOWE like it was when my parents divorced. But what I'm curious about is if anyone actually lived that as a child or knows someone who has and has an opinion on it. I've only ever heard the adults opinions as to why it's best, and not the kids.
I honestly think having a week on/week off schedule as a kid would have been absolutely awful and I wouldn't have wanted my parents to switch to that, but I didn't actually live it either so who knows.
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We traded SD for a box of food
Ok, not really. BM agreed to an every other weekend schedule until school is (as of now) back in session next month. And we offered to send some food with on what would be our weeks to keep the resentment from BM down. It seemed like BM was dying to get SD back to us. Too bad. I'm not homeschooling her while BM sits at home all day, and DH is considered an essential worker so he can't. The last month with no SD has been sooo nice. A real silver lining to all of the other stuff going on. It definitely confirms to me that disengaging for survival and my mental health was the only option.
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The longest SD has been away
This is the longest SD had been away from our house since I've known her. BM said she wanted to keep her during the original 2 weeks that school was cancelled. Plus she was at the inlaws the weekend before. So by time time it's our week again she will have been gone for the majority of the month. I still have no idea why BM has done a 180 and keeps asking to have her for extra full weeks, but obviously we're not going to fight her on it. There's no reason for her to sit in the house with me all day instead of being at her moms.
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Narcs and animals
Anyone else here have BMs or skids (or anyone else in their lives) with narcissistic traits that use animals as one of their "I'm such a wonderful person" covers. Like, they just loooove animals so much, but at the same time they dont want to actually have to take care of the animal or would just kick it to the curb once it inconveniences them.
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So glad these days are rare now
Today has been one of those days that led me to this site in the first place. Luckily they don't happen all that often anymore- largely thanks to following advice on this site.
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"One time I was nice to my stepmom"
So if anyone read my blog a couple weeks ago, DH and I have the older 2 kids do simple 10 minute chores after school. For SD that ends up being about 4 days a month. She 2 weeks ago wrote a note in her planner (so her teacher could see) asking me not to make her do chores because it "stresses her out."
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Yay the inlaws are coming!
MIL and FIL asked to have SD again this weekend. This time they offered to come pick her up and so they can see the other kids too. So nice of them to be willing to put up with having to feign interest in the other kids so that they can see SD. I'm sure it's not at all just because last time they asked for just her to visit with no thought at all to the other kids that DH ignored them.
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