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weekend + 3 kids = hair loss

jadedprincess's picture

We are now getting SS every weekend which was my idea because it is really hard finding child care for him during the week. I had DD5(she always is at home no visitation with BF) my SS and my aunts DD5. My aunt just left ADD5's father last week and her father was the disiplinarian so ADD is now testing every female she comes into contact with. She opposed me at every turn and caused my DD to get in on the action. by the end of the weekend she had mellowed out but damn she literally had me pulling my hair out. She broke DD's bedroom door, took milk into DD's room after i told her drinks in kitchen only. SS got the cup and spilt milk in my carpeted hallway, they wanted to go outside so we all went outside then she decided they were going to go inside. i told ADD in or out and she told me we are going to do both. i said no. she said yes we are again. i told her to go find a corner. i told her not to play in my bathroom and she told my DD that I needed a time out. I heard her say that one and I told her I was the mom this is My house and My rules and kids dont tell adults they need a time out. She then told me ok your right your not in time out anymore. I just walked away on that one. we also had a physical fight between the 2 girls when ADD hit SS my DD was pretty much beating her ass when I got them separated. My DD was screaming at her dont hurt my brother again! How does it feel! do you like it?! so then both girls got a time out and were separated for about an hr and then had to apologize to eachother. durning all of this i could not get ahold of ADD's mom. my husband was at work all day and most the night so i had no back up. finally they passed out and I had a Very LARGE alcholic beverage and cleaned my house and did the laundry. Sunday rolls around and they are much better behaved mainly because they were in church for a good portion of it. I also had called their sunday school teacher earlier that moring and gave her a rundown of their behavior and she re-planned her lesson for the day to one about physical violence and listening to adults and loving each other as Jesus does. It helped alot. (so thankful for Ms. Dirol ADD went home about 9pm last night as did SS and I passed out from mental exhaustion.. who knew a 5 yr old could wear you down like that? I have never had that many problems with her in that short amount of time!