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Integ95's Blog

update custody order for my son

Integ95's picture

I have read your comments and came up with a few things to put in there.
Thank you for all your replies.

No overnight stays for boyfriend/girlfriend when Brandon is there until in a commited relationship for a year or married.
Neither party will introduce the child to their significant other until atleast 4 months after dating.
Neither parent will encourage the child to call the significant other of the party mom/dad or variations of. They will call them ma'am/sir or by their firt names.

Very impressed with my nieces soon to be step mom!!

Integ95's picture

Well we had a cookout for fathers day my brother, niece4, and brothers GF came. I was very pleased at how she treated my niece. My niece would run to her and they played together. My brother didn't get mad when his GF corrected his daughter. They were like a regular family unit. You would have thought it was their child together.
I have to say my niece is respectful. The BM doesn't cause any problems. And my brother isn't a disney dad. Its like the perfect example of a good step family.

Court results! BM almost got thrown out of the court room :)

Integ95's picture

So the judge did not address everything FDH needed him to so there will be another modification date the judge is setting up. All contempt charges have been dropped.

1) FDH got medical decisions changed to 100% him unless there is an emergency. This is great we can finally get SD into the counseling she needs.

BM served me with a no trespassing order and call police on FDH!

Integ95's picture

So we went to drop SD off at BM apartment Friday. BM was not there so we called her. After FDH gets off the phone with her this guy with a loaded 9mm gun comes to my window. I'm freaking out having an anxiety attack and he tries to serve me with a no trespassing order. FDH intercepts and gives the letter back to him. Then the guy goes back to his apartment and puts the gun in his house. He was using it to try and intimidate me and FDH. Well i was scared shit less i was never around guns. Of course FDH wasn't phased he spent 12 years in the army.

BM PAS while talking on speaker phone to SD.

Integ95's picture

BM called last night at her CO time. FDH always listens to the conversation because we had problems in the past. Well all of a sudden SD asked BM why she didn't call the other night. BM said your daddy never answers the phone. He doesn't want me to talk to you. If it wasn't court ordered i wouldn't see you either. Then tells her she plans on filing for full custody soon because her father is bad parent.

DH is a genius and knows how to work BM!

Integ95's picture

So DH and BM were talking and she keeps telling him stuff that is in SD medical records that she refuses to give us despite the court order. He got her so mad she finally confessed she is not a full time student she does schooling online. So thank you BM for winning our child support modification on the 4th. I greatly appreciate it. She no longer is considered a full time student so her child support that she doesn't pay half the time will be raised. Man i can't wait to see her run out of the court room crying again.

When you try to control my house and my son you will get shut down!!!

Integ95's picture

So BM called to talk to SD last night. While they were talking BS2 asked his dad if he could watch TV. FDH says yes and turns it on. Well FDH keeps SD on speakerphone due to PAS in the past. And we hear BM say i can't hear you because of your brother he needs to be quiet. I gave FDH a look and he whispered "hold on" to me. So i didn't say anything. He took the phone ended the conversation. He told BM "you do not control my child or my house". BS2 did not yell or scream he used a regular tone when asking.

Doctor Information / BM trying to get custody when she said she didn't want custody right now.

Integ95's picture

Since when in the hell can Doctors give information out over the phone? We got an email from BM stating she talked to the Doctor SD goes to and she found out all about SD4 Dr. visits and whats in her medical file. How in the hell can they guarantee who they are talking to. BM is not on any of the medical paperwork except as her mother. FDH and BM have joint decision making and she was told if she wanted to be contacted she needed to go to the Dr. office and give them the info. I would think you would need to be there in person so they are not giving information to just anyone.

BM says FDH needs to let her know where SD is at all times because they have joint decision making?

Integ95's picture

I'm pretty sure joint decision making has to do with medical, religion, and school. But i think she has become a control freak and won't stay out of our lives.
SD is going to my brothers house to spend time with my niece this weekend and we refused to give BM a phone number because my family don't want the drama. Apparently we have to tell BM where SD is and why she is staying there. I think she is full of shit and needs to stop trying to control our lives. So once again FDH is going to ignore her email because it is so ridiculous.
