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BM served me with a no trespassing order and call police on FDH!

Integ95's picture

So we went to drop SD off at BM apartment Friday. BM was not there so we called her. After FDH gets off the phone with her this guy with a loaded 9mm gun comes to my window. I'm freaking out having an anxiety attack and he tries to serve me with a no trespassing order. FDH intercepts and gives the letter back to him. Then the guy goes back to his apartment and puts the gun in his house. He was using it to try and intimidate me and FDH. Well i was scared shit less i was never around guns. Of course FDH wasn't phased he spent 12 years in the army.
Anyway BM was not going to be there for 45 minutes and wanted FDH to give SD to the neighbor that just came up to our car with a weapon. FDH said hell no then BM said her boyfriend would get her well that wasn't happening as the judge told BM that boyfriend is not to be alone with SD. We were not waiting 45 minutes in a hot car when it was 90 degrees out. So we waited 20 minutes she didn't show we did our part. So BM called the police apparently from the emergency room. She told the cop this when the cop called us a second time. Apparently she was at the ER for the 3rd time this week(she is trying to get disability and needs her seizures documented). She did not tell FDH this. If she would have told us she was at the ER we would have taken SD to BM mothers house. There would have been no problem. She called the cops. The cop called FDH and talked to him and said BM was being everything except sane. So the cop told BM she can call and make arrangements.
BM decides to call and tell FDH "you need bring bring my fucking daughter back down here". FDH told her she can come get SD, meet him halfway, or reimburst him for gas money. Then he hung up on her because she was still cussing at him.
So we get home and get another call from the cop. By this time FDH and the cop had enough. This cop was awesome. He asked FDH if they made arrangements FDH said he told her the options and she decided to cuss at him. The cop said I'm not calling you a dead beat dad i see you pay 100% for this child and your the CP. So the cops says he will tell BM what FDH has proposed and she needs to be civil when calling. Needless to say BM never called back.
She will probably be at the court house on Tuesday trying to file for contempt on something she already filed for.
Keep in mind its a 3-3 and a half hour round trip to take SD to BM house.
This could have been easily solved if BM would have told FDH she was at the ER. But no she doesn't know how to communicate. As far as that no trespassing order goes i was never served. And the travel arrangements are being changed on the 4th. I go just so FDH has a witness and i can record everything that goes on.


knucklehead's picture

Yes, I always assume they're loaded for safety's sake. I was just wondering if he put a bullet in the barrel or something...

It would have been scary, that's for sure!

DASKRA's picture

OMG I would have pissed my pants ten times over. You need to make a report on the guy with the gun. Unless your state has a crazy law that allows you to point guns at people. I am sure the appartment building is public and if you were in a drive way or parking lot there is nothing anyone should be able to do. I would call the cops and make the report.

Integ95's picture

We told the cop but the state is a right to carry firearms state. As long as it isn't concealed there is nothing the cops can do.And you could see the magazine in it according to FDH.

realitycheckmom's picture

It depends on the gun. My .40 will lock with the slide open if you put an empty magazine in it. My 9mm won't. They are different manufacturers though. But you are right in that you can't tell usually unless you unload it or someone pulls the trigger. My rule of thumb is if you have a gun and you are pointing it at someone them you have it loaded and are fully prepared to fire it.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Wait so legally the guy was allowed to put it in your face? Makes no sense. I would call again. That cop didn't want to get in deeper

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Are you court ordered to provide transportation to BM? If not, that would be the very last time I did so. She would be driving to pick her up at a neutral location in my town if she pulled this shit on me.

BM2 tried to get the judge to say that I can't pick up or drop off SD9 when we were in court initially. The judge told her to pound salt. However, since she is a troll to deal with every time I have dealt with her, I no longer facilitate any drop offs or pick ups. If she can't pick up or drop off per the court order, she has to make other arrangements with DH around his schedule. Too bad for her, because he works and I don't.

Integ95's picture

Unfortunately it is court ordered. But FDH goes for modification on the 4th and a contempt hearing. So should be an interesting day. But the drop off isn't even suppose to be at BM house. It was suppose to be at BM uncles house until BM got stable housing. FDH was nice and always allowed drop off to occur at BM apartment.

realitycheckmom's picture

Wow, my FDH and I have CCW permits and I carry on my hip always. FDH always asks if I'm carrying before we leave. The guy is lucky you were not like me. I would have calmly pulled my weapon and shot him. You don't pull a loaded weapon on
someone if you don't plan to use it and I won't hesitate to use mine if someone is coming at me with a gun pointed at me.

Is it even legal in your state to have someone other than an officer of the law serve a no trespass order?

Integ95's picture

Its BM state. We live in a different state. And yes she can get a no trespassing order without going to court or anything i think she has to file it with the police though. And anyone can serve it just like say modification papers.
Like i said i haven't been around guns but FDH knows guns and said it was loaded and i wouldn't doubt FDH on that aspect.

realitycheckmom's picture

Wow that guy was lucky you didn't carry a gun too and really stupid. Did you make a police report about the guy? You might be able to use it later to show BM lacks judgement and it doesn't sound like this guy should be around SD.