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Doctor Information / BM trying to get custody when she said she didn't want custody right now.

Integ95's picture

Since when in the hell can Doctors give information out over the phone? We got an email from BM stating she talked to the Doctor SD goes to and she found out all about SD4 Dr. visits and whats in her medical file. How in the hell can they guarantee who they are talking to. BM is not on any of the medical paperwork except as her mother. FDH and BM have joint decision making and she was told if she wanted to be contacted she needed to go to the Dr. office and give them the info. I would think you would need to be there in person so they are not giving information to just anyone. But I'm not really sure how this works.
I'm livid about this and will be calling the Doctor office to make sure none of my BS medical information was given out as it is not any of BM business as to my sons medical condition. I can see her saying she is me and gaining access to all this information. Its no secret that my son has a medical condition but what medical condition we do not disclose to her. Anyway..

Bm is apparently trying to get custody of SD after she told FDH a week ago she does not want custody right now. She has pulled his arrest record which only has a public intox. charge from 4 years ago to try and prove he is an alcoholic. She tried the false abuse claims.
She is trying to say FDH didnt take SD to an orthopedic specialist when BM is the one that cancelled the appointment and made it for a later date when FDH had to work and they cancelled SD insurance so he would have to pay out of pocket. FDH was working temp jobs then and we could not afford it. This was when custody was being changed over. We asked for the medical records from BM and she never gave them to us. Now she is claiming SD is not being taken care of. Apparently SD has a foot condition where her foot is flat and she almost walks on her ankles. It was recommended she wears shoes with a raised arch in them which we got her. She does not need shoe inserts as per our Dr.
I just don't get how she says she don't want custody but then she don't want FDH to have custody either. The place where BM had SD living when BM claimed she couldn't take care of her and gave SD to BM aunt and uncle was a nightmare. We found out there was alot of fighting and abuse going on in front of SD. BM refuses to let FDH put SD in counseling.

FDH is the primary custodial parent and shared decision making.

On to this weekend FDH is stuck so far up SD ass it is not funny. Her punishment this weekend consisted of playing in her room with BS then coming down to watch TV. He bitches about how BM punishes SD same as above but it's fine when he does it????? IDK.
I cant wait to start work in a week and SD goes in daycare until her daddy gets off work. I'm officially starting with the "not my kid not my problem" mentality. I will hand her everything and not expect a thank you, hi, f you nothing. But i will expect that except the F you out of my BS2 because he will be brought up with manners and responsibility.

Does anyone else secretly wish BM had custody of Skids. I sure feel that way right now.
Thanks for reading. I feel a little better after getting it out.


StepMa_NotMom's picture

Well my husband wants full custody for SD, he now has Shared-parenting (which doesn't work really) and I want him to keep it the same......full custody I think would make it worse. I feel the "Not my Kid" least ur SD is going to daycare......its going to be me and SD alll day while Hubby at work....DM too stupid to enroll child in daycare and don't want the father doing so either until they both agree on it.....most of my days consists of anxiety and headaches.

Integ95's picture

Shit i didn't realize FDH may need permission to put SD in daycare. Good thing we have modification hearing on June 4th. I just get tired of BM not wanting to do a thing for SD and wanting to butt into our lives. That's what my days are now anxiety and headaches. I'm really tired of it. I really do not want to put BS in daycare because of his medical condition i have no choice. I have to suck it up get a 504 plan and make sure the daycare has his protocol letter. Maybe this will help SD not be so socially awkward. Gives me the needed break.
I really wanted to be a SAHM and i agreed to that when we found out about BS2 medical condition but with getting custody of SD i can't be around her all day anymore. FDH does nothing to help the situation. This will give me the chance to fully disengage and hopefully get our relationship on the right track.