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DH is a genius and knows how to work BM!

Integ95's picture

So DH and BM were talking and she keeps telling him stuff that is in SD medical records that she refuses to give us despite the court order. He got her so mad she finally confessed she is not a full time student she does schooling online. So thank you BM for winning our child support modification on the 4th. I greatly appreciate it. She no longer is considered a full time student so her child support that she doesn't pay half the time will be raised. Man i can't wait to see her run out of the court room crying again.
She had the nerve to keep calling me a whore and telling me i needed to shut when i was talking to my son. Then she said i wore her clothes that she left at FDHs house when she moved out. I'm a size 3 shes a size probably 20(and swears she isn't overweight?) so that could not happen. She has no style anyway pajama pants t-shirts and raggedy shoes are not my thing.
God life is great right now.


Integ95's picture

I love to see BM cry! It makes me want to laugh in her face. I told her if she had a problem with me to address it at the drop of Friday! i will not hit her i will talk!