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I must be doing something wrong

I love dogs's picture

I'm sure you are all sick of my venting but I have no other outlet. I picked SD up from summer camp which is at her school and couldn't get into the front door. That is how I got in yesterday so I *assumed* today would be no different. After ringing the doorbell with no answer, I call SD and she is short tempered with me and acts like I should know how to get her. I tell her that I would appreciate her being helpful instead of a smart alec. I get to the gate that has a code on it and call her again because there is no other way in. After she gives me the code she hangs up on me.

I sign her out and she doesn't say a word to me. I ask how her rollerblading field trip was and it was "ok". She asks if we can pick up my cousin, who is on the other side of town, and I say no, I drove her back there this morning and her mom can bring her here if they don't have plans. I ask another question to get a one or two word answer. I'm done talking to a wall so when we get home, she shuts herself into her room. Fine with me.

I text DH and ask if he knew where I was supposed to go and he said yes, but he's never picked her up and we both have phones so what's the big deal? I tell him that she hung up on me and was mad that I didn't want to drive across town and back to get my cousin so she was being rude. He tells me to "build a relationship". I was being nice the whole time except I must be the devil because I have been nauseous all day and don't want to be in the car for another hour and possibly get stuck in rush hour!

This relationship is already wearing me thin and I'm sure the pregnancy hormones haven't even begun to get real. Just nausea mostly. Apparently when my aunt was asking SD about how she'd feel about us having a baby (that SD apparently knows is coming but we won't tell her for awhile- aunt knows we were TTC and are currently expecting) SD also told her that I am "rude" sometimes but didn't specify when or how. Am I "rude" because I have expectations and don't pack her bags like BM does and do her laundry? Am I "rude" because I don't let her talk down to me and ignore her when she does? Am I so "rude" for always making sure her hair is trimmed, offer to braid/ style it, and paint her nails? I am not understanding this. She doesn't know that I told DH I didn't want her here when he isn't but am waffling because I want to be a good partner and help him out.


Tiger7's picture

When the oldest SD started getting out of control, I told SO that you teach people how to treat you.  You don't have to put up with anyone being rude to you, especially not a child.  He needs to get in that a$$ and if he doesn't, you should.  I also want to be a good partner but my SO's oldest is not going to use and abuse me.  Luckily for me, SO has my back all the time

I love dogs's picture

DH is being an ostrich right now and pretends like SD is a perfect preteen. I know I'm not perfect, either, but I am trying my best! The thing is, when I confront her, I am always just perceived as the evil SM, of course. I know I am flip flopping but this is truly taking a toll on me emotionally.

twoviewpoints's picture

That attempt to pick up this kid would be my last.

Let Dad and BM take her and pick her up. With the snot attitude the kid gave you, not even a sincere apology would make me change my mind. Nope. 

I think it's good she is going. Great BM paid for it and didn't ask Dad to pay half ( maybe they can take turns paying every other year?) and that the kid didn't just sit around expecting to be feed and entertained at home. However, that attitude of hers would be my boundary line. 

No it is not pregnancy hormones. The kid was a butt head. Luckily for you, she's not your butt head and you do not have to tolerate such treatment from her. 

And no, I would not allow her to have any guest (not even your cousin) over until x ( fill in your own time penalty) And yes, I know the other girl is only there until like July 4th. Doesn't matter. She was disrespectful directly to you and this one is yours to hand out the consequence. You. Not Dad. She didn't shake attitude at Dad, she shook it at you while all you were trying to do is a favor helping Dad and BM out. 



oneoffour's picture

"SD if you want me to be nice to you and do things for you stop being a brat. And you can tell your dad and mum whatever you want. But you are rude and sullen and ungrateful. If you were polite and thankful I would have driven over to get your cousin back. But you copped a shitty attitude so this is what happens. And the longer this continues the harder it will be on you. Your Dad wants us to get along. However there is only so much I will do before I give up. I will not be picking you up tomorrow because I dont want to. I do not care what your father says, I am not your personal unpaid Uber driver for you treast like crap. So instead of coming home to a nice cool house you will be stuck at day camp until one of your parents collects you. Your call. Either be nicer or face the consequences."






Dovina's picture

"Dh tells me to build a relationship"   WTH!!!! No wonder she is a snotty brat. Sorry, but you dont build relationships with rude disrespectful skids who appreciate little. I really dont know how you do this, or any of the ladies on here that have to deal with skids daily. No words of advice, just empathy. Adult skids are hard enough, but they arent daily interactions thankfully.

I would take the advice of the above posters, no more chauffering her until her attitude changes. 

I love dogs's picture

Our relationship was not like this when she was just EOWE and everyone here is wondering why I'm already frustrated with 50%!! I honestly think she needs to be back with BM full-time. I don't even care about the CS. I don't need this chaos in my home when we have a newborn next year.

twoviewpoints's picture

Just my opinion, but I think she has always been this way to an extent. You just didn't have to have her around so much and it was easier for her to half way behave for the short time she use to be there. That and she's ramping up the I am a cool teenager (almost) now. Teen girls can be little monsters, even the best of them. 

I also believe you likely overlooked some of her behavior and attitude because you were so busy trying to have a decent relationship with her. You entertained her, let her gripe about her 'big bad mean mother' (uh, now you know why BM and her fought all the time), she got lots of meals out and didn't have any real chores. Hey, what kid couldn't manage to behave herself for a day or so with Dad and SM kissing up. 


I love dogs's picture

This is very accurate and I'm just hoping that DH steps up when the baby comes. He can overlook her flaws, but I honestly don't think I love her unconditionally and obviously she feels the same.

I love dogs's picture

I really think I need to find a counselor to also vent to. The weeks that she is with us I am irritable and when I know she's coming back, I get anxiety. Yes, she's "just a kid", but she is not incapable of being respectful and considerate.

beebeel's picture

Therapy saved my sanity while I was pregnant and dealing with TWO shithead skids. Definitely find yourself a good shrink.

momjeans's picture

Therapy is always a good idea. Go by yourself - do this for you.

In regards to SD, I think her age is partly to blame, then there’s the parenting, or lack there of, from BM and your DH. Parenting is a both a skill and a balancing act. It’s a lot of selflessness (on the parent’s part) and heartache. 

I think your intention is in the right place, and BM and DH should be so lucky to have a SM in their child’s life like you. I don’t know. I think I would have been long gone, with the lack of respect and support from them, given all that you do.

I think you have some self-reflecting to do, in regards to what you’re going to engage in and not. Perhaps journal these thoughts so you can go back to them as needed. 

YOU need to be consistent for your own sanity. Your DH needs to be a better communicator, and BM needs to stay in her own lane when it’s not her time with SD. 

I love dogs's picture

This is a very thoughtful response, thank you. I had the rose colored glasses on for so long that I didn't become really resentful until the last year or so. I truly love my husband and I do love SD, but I don't love her unconditionally like I will my own child. I always envisioned a happy, perfect family but I know that isn't realistic for anyone. She thanked me for making dinner tonight but hasn't eaten and there are leftovers so I don't care what she does or takes for lunch tomorrow. I have to care for myself and new baby and let DH really be the parent. I just need to accept that I will never be her mother or appreciated for the "motherly" things I do.

hereiam's picture

I tell him that she hung up on me and was mad that I didn't want to drive across town and back to get my cousin so she was being rude. He tells me to "build a relationship".

Really? Why does your husband let his daughter get away with being rude to you and hanging up on you? My DH would have had my SD's ass.

You want to be a good partner and help your husband out with HIS daughter and his reaction to her acting like that, is to tell you to build a relationship? I know what I would tell him.

secret's picture

If that would have been me:

'Listen, you little b!tch... You want to act like a b!"tchy little sh!thead, you go for it - but I`m done. I don't want to be around such a nasty girl. I'm done giving you rides, I'm done cooking for you, I`m done buying you things, I'm done doing nice things with you - I'm done with your attitude. You're not my kid, I don't owe you anything... and I'm not going to try and do nice things for you just for you to be a smart-assed little b!tch. When you decide to knock off the attitude and stop being such a b!tch, maybe I'll start doing nice things for you... but no more. Just by the way, I was going to treat you to McDonald`s and ice cream, but since you`re being such a b!tch, I'll just go alone or with your dad, and you can stay home with a crappy sandwich... and as for tomorrow, you better tell your mom to come get you, because there`s no way I'm putting myself through the torture of being around a little b!tch like you when your dad`s not home. Now get out and WALK.'

I've done something similar with my middle daughter when she ramped up with a little smarting off last year.....I made it quite clear to her that she was NOT at my level - that I`m up here and she`s down there... I`m the boss, she`s my b!tch... and that I can always choose to ship her off somewhere else and just pay the basics for her needs....that if she wants to stick around, she better start playing by the rules...haven`t had an issue since.

Ispofacto's picture

I love this and have been dying, for years, to say something like this to Killjoy, but she would tattle and then DH would be dragged to court.  It would be like giving HCBM a cookie, and I refuse to do that.  I got in trouble once before for swearing in front of Killjoy.  Now I don't speak at all, and she HATES it.

secret's picture

I would then deny deny deny deny that I said anything like that... I`d admit that I'd say that she wasn`t pleasant to be around when she`s acting with such rude behavior... and that if she interpreted that as me saying she`s a b!tch, maybe the shoe fits....

When I stopped doing anything for ss4stb5, DH asked me, after a few days, why I was being so distant... well, dh, why would I want to be involved with someone who gets away with acting in such a bad manner? DH tightened up the way he dealt with ss`s bad behaviors... now it`s great.

I can honestly say that ss doesn`t give me any more of a hard time than any of my own kids ever have, and that DH expects ss to respect/obey me as if I WAS his mother.

momjeans's picture

This made me laugh, secret. It reminds me of something my mom would have said and done to me, because my mom did... not... play.

I made it quite clear to her that she was NOT at my level - that I`m up here and she`s down there... I`m the boss, she`s my b!tch...

I feel like it’s only a matter of time before I say something like this to my MIL. Hahahaha. 


secret's picture

Oh yes. She `got it', too.

I had asked her what makes her think she has equal decision making power as me... she didn't have an answer... I asked her if she thought she was on the same level as her teachers when they tell her to do something and/or chastise her for not doing it.... no answer... and reminded her that considering she comes to me to deal with her teachers when she thinks she's being wronged, that perhaps she should consider that I'm even higher up on the food chain that the teachers she's respectful to, hmmmm?

I also

bearcub25's picture

Look at it from this view:

You went from EOW to 50%.  So did SD.   She is used to having her Mom 26 days a month.  She is used to her Mom being the one picking her up and asking about her day or just having compatible silence.  She is used to being a little bitchy to her Mom and its OK bc Mom loves her unconditionally.   She is used to Mom and knows what Mom expects and lets slide.

Now half the month she is with you and Dad.  I'm sure she senses your tension, she is going thru a lot herself at this age, so she has a lot goig on in her head right now.

Sit her down and talk it out, or at least explain your feelings and anxieties and try and build a working type of relationship with her.  It doesn't have to be rainbows and unicorns, but a coexistance every other week.  When you have your baby, there will be times you may need her to help out a little bit and she may really want to help you with the baby.

I'm in no way taking SDs 'side'.   I went thru this with an angry 9yo taken from her Mom, didn't want full time, didn't want to raise kids again but I had to either come to an understanding with her or break up with DSO. While we have no love lost, we were able to have a peaceful coexistance, I had to be the one running her places and helping out at times so I had to be a big girl and at least attempt to work it out.

Today, I don't give a crap if I every see her again, but she is with BM and stb18 so I can be a bitch Wink

momjeans's picture

Yeah, that “build a relationship” comment is too much. 

My DH would literally never say that to me, knowing I would kick his balls up into his throat. 

I love dogs's picture

After she tattled on me to BM, I don't want to have anything to do with setting her straight and DH refuses to see it so I feel like my hands are tied. 

If you don't recall, a few weeks ago, SD was SOOO bored at our house and just wanted to spend time with GBM because I was using my laptop for work. She didn't say a word to me when she woke up and never wants to walk the dogs with me so I went ahead and walked them without saying anything to her. Meanwhile, she texted BM that I didn't have a phone and she didn't know where I was. The best part? SD also tells BM "SM took the dogs and WHO KNOWS when they'll be back". She has never been left alone more than a half hour when I walked the dogs and made it seem like she was abandoned! This child is 12 years old.

BM says something along the lines of "they left you home alone again!?!?!?! SD, that is not right and you need to be with GBM". SD says she "knows" it's not right but what is she supposed to do? By the way, SD loves being home alone, it was just that day in particular, she couldn't entertain herself and HAD to hangout with GBM to have her precious internet access and games at BM's house. 

I felt so betrayed but have tried to look past it. DH "ripped her a new one" and she was crying but now she's back to princess status in his book and I am just resentful. I feel like shit and can barely eat or drink anything but ginger ale and crackers and am treated as less than but should just build a damn relationship with her! That's a great solution, DH, why didn't I f-ing think of that?!

CLove's picture

If my SO had said that to me, after all the different things his eldest did and said to me, that would be his head on a platter!

The only thing you can do to save your sanity is to disengage, and then get some marriage counseling. Your DH is part of the problem (this is always true!) and his actions must be addressed. You are having a child with him, and therefore want this to work out, but you cannot make it work by yourself. You need him to back you up, when things get hairy. MY SO, when SD was being a jerk and disrespectful, would back me up, and then she would respond with "I cant believe you are taking your GIRLFRIENDS side over your own daughter". This did not work, but still bothered him. Its very common for kids to test boundaries, and you need to set them and set them immediately.

Good Luck!

secret's picture

Sure, DH, I'll build a relationship with her... one where I am the boss and she is the child - and if you so much as dare try and undermine my authority in favor of your princess' bad attitude, you will need to seriously rethink your status in our child's life, because I won't tolerate being treated in as poor a manner by my own child as I am by yours. It's not my fault you're a bad parent, but I won't be punished over it, either.