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Separation can go on forever

Jada1's picture

I've posted in the past, maybe a couple years ago. But this October made 2 years my husband and I have been separated. Married 6 years. Both were single parents with primary custody of our kids, married when our kids were 7 and 8. Seemed like a perfect situation. Yet I later found out that a man and a daughter versus a mother and son are two totally separate situations. Parenting differences, frustrations, hurt and pride eventually left us battered, a few dumb decisions made when things were really bad between us, led to a decision to separate and "work on things", as the home situation was beyond tense. My step daughter was unhappy, our relationship not the best. No drama, no blow ups ever, just no real closeness and what seemed to be a tug of war for my husbands attention. It didnt take me long to realize I was indeed 2nd and always would be.

On one side i apparently wasnt doing enough as a step mother, although i was doing the best i knew how, losing my own birth mother when i was 4. Not to mention my stepdaughter's bio mom is alive and well and she goes with her on weekends, although far from consistent. I was learning a lot myself being a step mother. Then when i tried to do things he would undermine me. I learned that my expectations for my husband were very different than his were for me, in relation to our kids.

Fast forward 2 years later, we are still separated, living literally around the corner from one another, each in our own places with our kids. Yet, we are still married, still spend time together as husband and wife, attend church together, just celebrated our anniversary and so on. Yes, initally the separation was needed; there was less stress and we got along much better with the tension gone. Problem is, this was good AT FIRST, as it allowed us to realize we loved one another and wanted our marriage to work; divorce wasn't what either of us wanted. But once we decided we wanted the marriage to work we should've come back together as a family. Never stayed separated this long. Yet here we are still separated.

My husband seems happy with things as they are but for me its an empty feeling. Spend time with my hubby, then go home to my place?? It gets old and we are both living day to day without one another. My husband agrees its not an ideal situation for a married couple, but we are "building things back" and this is where we are now. I just can't do it anymore and I'm thinking of filing. I know he loves me and isn't out with anyone else. But no husband wants and chooses to be separatd from his wife unless he just isnt in love. Thats all i can come uo with now. Yet I'm wife to any and everyone we know and he has no problem introducing me as such and doing things as husband and wife. What this is about is his daughter. I don't know if I even want to ever come back together as a family, not now. Starting to feel resentful. What do I need a husband for? I manuever daily on my own, take care of my son, work full time and come home to MY place. This is no marriage.

Jada1's picture

Wow. Well that's what I thought at first. I could hang in there living solo and really welcomed being on my own, and not have to deal with the daughter/daddy mess. But its hard to stay in that space mentally. Now I'm resentful and feel like when he is ready, I wont be. Its killing our marriage, the little bit we have left.

stunned1's picture

You will never be able to have a healthy relationship with that child in the middle. The question is do you think you will be able to when she is grown and leaves home? How long will that be? These are questions you must ask yourself to see if you want to stick it out. I myself believe that you'll never find Mr. Right if you're hanging out with Mr. Wrong.

ScrewUboozilla's picture

He has firmly entrenched his daughter as his #1. You think she is going to be ok when you come back together? She won in her eyes and the next attempt will just be that much more misbehavior on her part to get her way.

I am so sorry you are going through this.

You need to lay down your needs. And then he can choose to make the changes or not to keep you. Then you can walk knowing you tried. Yes it may hurt.. But better to get that band aid off. There are no redos in life. I think you deserve better than this. I think you know it too.

We teach others how to treat to us. It's time for a new class.. Boot camp even.. On how he WILL treat you going for you. That doesn't work for me.. Is a perfectly acceptable response to any objections as to why he won't make changes.

This site is full of adult SDs still attached to dadddyyyyy, so don't be misled that at 18 she will go away quietly.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

It won't really change when your SD grows up - go check out the Adult Step forum!

Because your DH allows it SD will always compete with you and once she produces grandkids - she can blackmail your DH with gkids and your DH will never be your true partner.

I also considered living separately many years ago but I knew it would not be a long term solution. Eventually my relationship with DH would have ended.

Cut your losses and find a man with a spine.