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I just don't know...

HeatherM's picture

Before I'm blasted by the BM's on here, let me start this email by saying I love my ss8... and the things I'm going to say about him here are just truth, and not because I have some hate issue. I too am a BM. What I find funny is I can say anything about my Biokids..and no one bats and eye...but as soon as I say something about my's like I'm attacking him. I know some of the stuff I'm going to say below is maybe typical of an 8 year old boy...but new to me... and I just have to get them off my chest... and I hate that I have more negative things to say about him than positive..but wondering if we don't have some sort of personality disorder going on here.
-1- Pee's Bed (I know normal in many instances)
-2- Pee's Pants (Sorry, not so 'normal' for an 8 year old)
-3- Chronic Liar (lies about absolutley everything under the sun, and does it so easily)
-4- Overweight
-5- Obsessed with Food and Television
-6- Up at around 5am every day
-7- Emotionally detached from so many things
-8- Preaches/Know it all about everything
-9- Inmature for his age (or at least in accordance with his peers..and sorry yes I'm basing this on my own son and how he was at that age)
-10- Maniuplative

-1- He's smart as a whip
-2- He has an awesome memory

Ok.. so I don't exactly know why for sure I have to get this off my chest.. I think it's because if we were in a 'first' family I could talk about these things openly and freely as they would concern me as a parent... but in a 'second' family I risk looking like I'm picking on him. I just really thing all of these things are related somehow and that he has some sort of behaviour or emotional issue...he has seen a counsellor..and she thinks he's fine... but it's just a vibe I have... any thoughts?


mom2five's picture

Nothing about that list sounds "normal" to me. And I have five kids. The oldest is in college and the youngest is 8. Of course all kids are different. But having accidents at 8 years of age is not normal. To me it would warrant a visit to the pediatrician to rule out medical problems.

steptwins's picture

One my swins was like this (still kind of is although he's 14). He weighs almost twice has much as he twin brother. ADD was finally diagnosed/accepted by bio. parents, and when he takes his medicine he's less feeling like the universe is centered around him & him alone. He told me some parents actually sell their cars so their kids can afford stuff. My reply, wow I wish it was the other way around b.c. I want a land rover. always have.

Pissed him off over the top.

stepkate's picture

Some of those things could be normal for his age, and all of them are annoying-nothing wrong with venting about that.

People need to stop venting about people venting.

jojo68's picture

-3- Chronic Liar (lies about absolutley everything under the sun, and does it so easily)
-5- Obsessed with Food and Television
-7- Emotionally detached from so many things
-8- Preaches/Know it all about everything
-9- Inmature for his age (or at least in accordance with his peers..and sorry yes I'm basing this on my own son and how he was at that age)
-10- Maniuplative

10 yr old Princess does all these things I chose from your list and I have wondered if something was going on with her because her actions are so extreme and totally off the wall..not normal at all. Let me know what you find out.

stepsoftly's picture

5, 7, 8 and 10 are all my SD8 too. The others.. espec. the peeing and obesity, not normal -- And I don't think even the ones SD does are normal, but they seem more common in s-kids? But no, these aren't normal and it is OK to be worried about them and try to help him with them. I would say though that they might not ALL be related... these are behaviors not personality traits, it seems like to me?

violetforest's picture

Mom of 6 kids and background in child development, human services, social work, therapy with special needs (children and teens)

clear up the issue of any medical need and dont be afraid of getting a 2nd opinion also. Children this age typically get embarrassed if anything of this sort would happen. The doc may have some suggestions and they will most likely be something like no liquids before bed, watch the salt etc.

Input a reward system for nights that go well, let him be part of the discussion. Let him pick the rewards - go with you to pick them out and somewhere near his bed put up a night time reminder list (these do not have to be large things or even material rewards; it can be that you go to the park for an hour, library to play on the computer,etc) (my son when he was 5 wanted one of his rewards to be a camo bike - I found some camo medical tape cost me only a couple of bucks to tape his entire bike - he is now 10 and still brags about it). That way when he goes to bed you can remind him to follow his list without be littling him. He is old enough to be part of the process, he can take his wet clothes and blankets to the wash to be cleaned and dried along with making his bed again. (I would not add any punishments for mistakes) These are some of the suggestions that have worked with some of the parents that I have worked with.

I would then go on to a person who specializes in children's therapy if necessary. Make sure that it is someone that you as well as your child is comfortable with and who has simular values for your family.

Good luck, hope this helps, just some ideas

HeatherM's picture

Thanks for all the responses;

Maux - He is not an only child. And maybe that is part of the problem. BM has 4 other children all from different dads. At our house it's my bio-son and his half-sister (my bio daughter)

Shooting - Chronic Lying: He lies about eerything you can think of... about breakfast, about getting others in trouble, about what he does at school, I sometimes think it's because he has no self esteem and a way to make him sound more interesting..which is what troubles me..

Weight: by medical standards. He is 20 pounds overweight at 8 years old. He has gained 10 pounds since January. This is not a healthy trend for an 8 year old boy. Many 8 year olds are pudgy..and grow out of it when they hit puberty, I get this... but 10 pounds every six mos is not healthy, and already 20 pounds over is def. not healthy.

Waking Early: Yup, I get that too...many kids are early risers...but he wakes tired. He wants to sleep in class, he still wants to take naps like his 2 year old sister.

Emotionally detached: Someone could die (a grandparent/uncle) and he's like, "Oh, Can I have ice cream?" or You could go throw all his toys in the garbage as he hasn't cleaned up..DH has done this in the past, and he'll say "Thanks for cleaning my room".. that is what I mean...

Obsessed with TV & Food: Interesting... it IS a pandemic in our society these days... you are correct, many kids have this problem along with weight, but I don't think that makes it acceptable.

Immature: I think I posted in my original blog that this was only my opinion.

Anyways... I just think this boy needs help.. reading your posts were inciteful. I am a BM and I have a huge I know in many cases that kids can be kids... but when they are all mixed together it really makes me wonder. If my own son where doing these things I'd be just as, if not even more worried. The problem with my SS8 is that his parents think he's just a cutie wutie...and they're both too lazy to pay attention to any of it. I say Lazy... and I include BM and DH because seriously between me and the Stepdad on the other side..we do the majority of the parenting.

HeatherM's picture

Oh and violetforest...thanks.

Although I haven't given up, we have used the reward system. It didn't seem to work...but it doesn't mean we can't try it again. He is not punished when he wets his bed, but I'm afraid he does get in trouble when he pee's his pants, or rug, or couch.. etc etc. You know though, he's not embarassed about it... that also bugs me. I mean, maybe he'd be embarrasd about it if his friends knew? But he's not embarassed at home, and has even suggested we start letting him wear the diapers with the motorcycles on them again!

violetforest's picture

You have already tried alot of things then. Jump to the doc and get your SO to set up a therapy session ASAP. Someone who works with play therapy would be great. You will be surprised by what comes out of that kid, it will seem slow at first but I have seen it do wonders for some kids.

stepmasochist's picture

SD8 still has accidents sometimes, though she doesn't pee the bed. She's gone to the doctor for it and no medical reason was found. It's usually when she's outside playing a lot. I think she just puts it off because she's having fun until it's too late. She's about to turn nine and I'd say it hasn't happened in awhile so maybe she's over it now.

astepmom's picture

Is this skid the BM's "favorite"? I just wondered b/c it seriously sounds like you are describing my ss12 exactly. He gets all the PAS from BM, and then ss10 just seems perfectly normal in comparison.

What you said about "Can I have ice cream" shocked me, b/c ss12 said something exactly like that as we were leaving the hospital after visiting a dying relative last weekend. We had him checked for Asperger's and he doesn't have it. Is this really just what happens to a person when their BM practices PAS?

Thanks for posting this. I think your bad vibe is right on!