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Hastings's Blog

And so it ends (and begins)

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Well, it was nice while it lasted. A week with minimal work and no SS12. But now it's back to real life. BM is dropping him off later this afternoon. DH is already getting moody because he's got a list of stuff he's going to have to address. (Last weekend he found clean and dirty clothing stuffed in a bathroom cabinet, empty drink cans hidden in a dresser drawer along with food wrappers, endless junk under the bed when he'd been told to clean it out.)

Kids choose — insight from my therapist

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This should probably have been obvious, but it kind of helped me to have it spelled out.

I share stuff about our SS frustrations with my therapist (I struggled with some things a few years ago and find monthly "maintenance") helpful. Last time, she said kids can and should adjust to different rules at different places. It shouldn't be something, particularly for a kid who's nearly 13, that's too much to ask.

Undermined again

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For some reason, all the kids at SS12's school get free lunch and breakfast (this is a very nice part of town, so it's hard to believe a big percentage of kids there are eligible -- which is the threshold for everyone to get it free -- but, whatever). SS eats a school lunch every day. While the lunch is free, there is other stuff you can purchase through your school dining account -- cookies, chips, special drinks, frozen yogurt, etc. DH keeps the account funded.

Don’t tell!

Hastings's picture

So after a blissful, kid-free week, SS12 is back (well, has been since Sunday). So far this week, I have found an empty Goldfish bag, an ice cream bar wrapper and a candy bar wrapper in his bed. I suspect when he gets up to get dessert in the evening, he sometimes slips another thing in his pocket. DH thinks he's also coming down sometimes in the middle of the night. That's the only way to explain the ice cream.

The Apple really doesn’t fall far

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Saturday, DH decided to go watch SS12's bowling league, to show support. Not surprisingly, SS barely acknowledged his presence. There are also only three kids in the league now, so kind of boring and pointless. Anyway, he once again said from now on he'll probably only go on kid weeks. Whatever. I don't particularly care, as I've made it clear I have no intention to go -- ever. Baseball is it for me.

Good grief, BM

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DH and I just talked about the problems with SS12 and his utter refusal to follow some very simple rules. DH admitted he occasionally hears from BM -- usually starting with the "I don't want to butt in, but..." (Of course followed by her butting in.)

Basically, she said SS tells her we never go anywhere. We don't go out a whole lot. We go on walks. We occasionally go out to eat. DH will sometimes take SS to the arcade or the movies for a special treat. But we don't do "fun stuff" every week. She's just appalled by that.

Common sense… not so common

Hastings's picture

I know kids can be clueless and space cadets at times. But, sometimes, I'm just dumbfounded.

SS12's laundry has been an issue for quite a while. He'll bring down his laundry basket half-full of clean clothes. DH gets onto him. SS responds with a shrug and "why does it matter? Stuff's getting washed anyway." Well, if we have to do multiple loads, that's a waste of water, time and electricity.
