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I think we're in for some trouble...

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My BF's ex is breaking up with her BF. She and 2 skids have lived with him for 5 years. Ever since my BF said he wasn't going to pay the mortgage any longer...she moved in with the guy she cheated with. She hasn't had to pay rent for all that time...don't know for sure what arragnement was...but sure no rent. Now he has asked her and girls to move out...I guess they got some counseling, he blames her for his son moving out. The woman's a bitch and she got in a fight with his son (17) and he left a month or so ago. does this affect my BF and ME.


Hanny's picture

My BF's daughter is still having issues with him dating. We've been together for 3 1/2 years.
She and I were introduced about 1 1/2 years ago. I do not stay over when she is there, we just do things together and then I go home.

She obviously is still having issues with her dad being with someone. Sometimes when I am around she is overly demonstrative with her dad. To the point of being inappropriate for a 13 year old and her father. This has been going on from the beginning, but her actions are becoming more inappropriate.


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My BF had his daughter over the weekend, he has her every weekend except for second of the month. I feel like I fill in the cracks for him. What I mean is I just feel like I fill in the cracks when she's not around. I never know for sure what is going on...I sit around and wait to see if he is going to ahve her or not. Such as this weekend, he didn't know until Sunday night whether he was going to have her on Monday. We've talked about this before, and he said he knows how I feel that he would talk to BM and find out plans ahead of time, so I know what I'm doing!

Opinions Please?

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My BF's daughter turned 18 and graduated HS in June. He no longer has to legally pay CS. Well this is killing BM. She's coming up with all kinds of extras for him to share in. He is willing to help his daughter in college, but he wants his daughter to talk to him about college, so he doesn't have to deal with BM any longer. His daughter hasn't been over for visitation for over a year now. But that's another story. It just seems like as long as he is giving money and buying gifts, graduation, birthday, she talks to him. But otherwise he can hardly get her to talk to him.

Back to court for extras

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Has anyone had the experience of being taken back to court to pay for extras. You know, summer school, dr bills, summer camp, etc. The half that BF is suppose to share with BM. I was just wondering if anyone has been taken to court for their half of the extras. My Bf's ex is even trying to get clothing expenses, claiming school uniforms are extra. I consider that same as clothing/food, etc that CS covers. BM sets the kids up in every kind of camp there is, summer school at the cost of $750 (even though they go to private schools), all without running any of this by my BF.

Wish me luck

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Tonight my BF and I are joining BM, her BF, his son, and BF and BM's 2 daughters for a birthday party. The oldest is turning 18. We are all going out to dinner togehter! We got together for the first time a couple of weeks ago for a graduation lunch for oldest. That went pretty wellm, but there were 15 of us, some other family members of BF also. But tonight there will only be the 7 of us. BM has tried for a long time to get BF to be 'one big happy family'. But he has just started doing it with me along.

Opinions Please

Hanny's picture

My BF and I had a long discussion last night and can't seem to come to an agreement on things. A little history, we have been seeing each other for 3 years. He has 2 girls, 17 and 12. the 17 year old doesn't visit anymore for other reasons the 12 year old he has every weekent Friday to Sunday except 1 weekend a month. Over the past 3 years I have pretty much sat home on weekends by myself while he has been with his kids. Finally met the kids about a year ago and see them on occasion.

Opinions Please?

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I read earlier today someone's comment regarding 'we do not e-mail anyone of the opposite sex'. Along those lines I have a male e-mail friend I work with. I also work with my BF of 3 years. My BF definitely puts his kids ahead of me and he makes no committments to me regarding anything changing in our relationship, very clear (we are monogamous and love each other). I have e-mailed my friend for about 2 years now. He just recently broke up from a 10 relationship/engagement. We discuss all kinds of things..I have given him advice on his relationship and vice versa.
