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halo1998's Blog

My thoughts over the last 5 months...whew...Changes all around

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Almost 6 months world came crashing down around me.  Discovery Day (D-Day)was certainly an eye opening day. as many know...after much thought I decided to give DH a chance to make things right with us and to move forward and stay with him.  

This was done with the knowledge that I would try to reconcile and that I would give myself permission to walk if I thought DH wasn't putting in the work to make things right.

Alrighty..I feel better even a Victoria's Secret model isnt' safe from cheating

halo1998's picture

Just wow...what in the effin h3ll is wrong with these men.  Seems Adam Levine has gone out and at least micro cheated/online cheated or whatever you would like to call it.  I feel for his wife..because she was at home supporting him and their kids. WTF...really what is wrong with these men.  They have kids etc and then are like...."what my wife won't pay attention to me 24/x7 and be enamored of me and my awesomeness so I will go and find others that can stroke my ego".  

Updates...Employer forced torture, SD and DH and Beaver update

halo1998's picture


I survived the "all hands" two day meeting..As I thought most of it was not worth being in person. The personality test proved out that I'm most definately not a people person and I do best working alone.  I'm  highly analytical and I'm good at creating structure and figuring out solutions.  All good for my for the "let get togerher people thing". co-worker was about the same..we joked he is the Vulcan and I'm the Romulan of our group.  yep...we are geeks...can you tell?

Sd..oy....that girl is hot mess walking

NSR...but work related - Employers..can't live with em..can't live without em

halo1998's picture

My employer has decided to do an "all hands" meeting for two freaking days. Oh joy...that in and of self sends my anxiety into overdrive.  It means I have to interact....WITH PEOPLE.  Have I mentioned I'm a introvert and there is a reason I do the job I have....LITTLE INTERACTION WITH PEOPLE.  I am NOT a people person.

Not only that....our building is across the pond (retention pond that is) from a freaking hotel. Do we use that hotel for this shindig...nope..they decide to use a hotel DOWN FREAKING TOWN. During the week...where we have to travel rush hour.  

Ok there DH...eff you then...

halo1998's picture

**DEEP BREATHS****DEEP BREATHS to SD is not the sharpest tool in the shed.  Not by a long shot.....she currently takes general ed courses in high school and does ok in those with a lot of support. Her SAT...oofff..those were brutal.  SD does not do any extracurricular activities...she does have a part time job now.  So there is that...(interestingly it was the job "I" recommended at the start of her job hunt..but ok whatever)

Been a roller coaster ride here.....

halo1998's picture

Lets see....we had to help our 3 year old dog....aka seizure dog over the rainbow bridge.  His seizures become too much and were causing him to become agressive/obsessive. That culminated in him becoming obsessed with his brother to the point they started to fight..  When we ..DS23 and I were breaking them up...seizure dog went after DS .....and DS had to have 6 stitches.  Sigh....seizure dog was having trouble with his back legs and bladder control due to all the seizure meds he had to take just sort of control them.  He still averaged 1 to 2 grand mal seizures a week.

Beaver at her finest and update on DH and I ...sort of long

halo1998's picture

Ah Beaver never ceases to create situations that make me laugh.  Here is the latest...

SD got a  new involves little kids and teaching them to swim.  Much better fit than cashier at a food joint.  SD loves little kids and this requires no math skills, etc.  Good for I'm hopefull that this one will stick.  Time will tell...

So...along with DS I have DH also having tantrums

halo1998's picture

SD got a new job...woohoo for her. She is working at a local swim school as a front desk clerk.  No money probably a better fit for her.

Ah...let the games begin..and I liken this to being in the hunger games...the odds are never in my favor.

SD needs forms filled out and signed...needs to setup her direct deposit..find a black one piece swimsuit...(the string bikini Beaver bought her won't work) find swim shorts, etc.
