halo1998's Blog
Update to DH's pissy comment..and other things
So, DH definately knew I was pissed about this comment surrounding me being pissy because I was upset that my bench was about to be ruined by him and SD. I'm guessing my one word text responses clued him in.
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This crap is the stuff that kills marriages....SD and DH related
Ugh..I'M SO FREAKING MAD RIGHT NOW. I could spit nails and file for divorce. I'm just that angry.
O/T....need some work advice.....
I, like Rags lovely bride, have a hard time of letting go of my workplace. I have been in IT operational support for last 25 years. To say I'm burnt out...would be a giant understatement. The oncall at this place is killing me...as its like working 24x7 for about 14 days straight. The expectations are out of hand. My previous on-call's were just for break fix...as in its broke and I fix it. This job's oncall has morphed into...do work all day....log in at night do work...oh and we need stuff done on the weekend..work then.
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What in the fork is it with skids and spending money on stupid shiz
SMH.....always just shaking my head.
Mother's Day with a step kid and the Beaver
Ugh....as far as Mother's DAy..DH rocked it out. 2 dozen roses, a trip the local Conservatory and Gardens....then to a local market for food and drink.
We had a mother's day dinner for my mother and my mother in law on Saturday so that I could spend Mother's Day doing things I like rather than cooking for the family.
However, as usual SD and Beaver had to through some wrenches into the plans. Would it be a Holidy without step kid/BM drama?
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Sh*tty birthday gifts Beaver edition...
Beaver is notorious for her sh*tty gift giving. Lets see...
DH when married to her got a food dehydrator for christmas...he didn't ask for one and doesn't eat dehydrated food.
DH also go a boat load of sweaters from Beaver for Christmas..he wears shorts in the middle of winter...sweaters are NEVER part of his attire. Not even when we go sledding or skiing.
SD has gotten over the years.
A typewriter that doesn't work
A sled to share with her brother..that was her ONLY christmas gift.
A difusser blow dryer...SD has poker straight hair.
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PA is not just for divorced families...tales of my mother
Ugh.....my mother. I see now why on some levels I am about 100 ways of messed up. Its my mother....and in some part my Dad.
My mom...only child of a alcoholic father. As result of my grandfather drinking away all of my grandparents money...my grandmother had to work a lot when my mom was young. My grandparents divorced after my mom graduated high school....and my grandmother was a really great woman. I still miss my grandmother to this day. She really was the person I talked to and was there for me.
Reflections....its been a year today since my life blew up
I'm reflecting today., Its been a year to the date since I found out about DH's side activities. My world as I knew it ..blew up.
So..while its been quite the year here is what I found.
1. Our marriage needed a overhaul or to end. I knew that at the time but was bidding my time till SD was 18. I didn't want to blow up her life.
2. I wasn't crazy after all. For many years I suspected DH's side activities but couldn't prove it. It was oddly a relief to find out what I suspected for YEARS was in fact the truth.
Update..SD did indeed pierce her tongue
and the reason is just absurd.
SD pierced her tongue because Beaver would let her get another nose piercing or her eye brow pierced. SD just wanted another piercing so Beaver said ok to the tongue because you can't see it.
OH LORD THESE PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. Another nose piercing or a eye brow would be way better than ruining her teeth.
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SD returned today....and here are the updates
SD returns to our house today for the week.
Updates: SD let DH know of Beaver's intent to take vacation. Now under the parenting plan, Beaver INSISTED that they have a clause in there that they have to email the vacation requests 30 days in advance on OFW. Now DH has already sent the vacation times he wants in OFW..Beaver hasn't read them since and I quote from SD..."Mom says she won't read another mesage from you" Ok...whatever there Beaver
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