halo1998's Blog
Well seems old dogs can learn new tricks
DH was dealing with Beaver trying to use Zelle....that was a shiznit show. He was talking about that and SD, etc. He finally realized that I had gone quiet and dark. He asked me if he should just not tell me about Beaver and/or SD. This is new..he never would have asked before.
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Does this shiznit ever freaking end..TIRED OF HEARING OF BEAVER AND SD
I swear....we are at t-minus 12 months till SD is 18.
NSMR....the trip is over
The next day wasn't as bad. Our group ended early so I was able to score a chair by the beach. Also, I figured out room service....which was good because the restaurants were over crowded...people were having issues getting tables, etc.
By day three..I was over the drinking. I can only drink so much..I'm not 20 anymore.....
DH was awesome with talking me off the ledge..and he would facetime me so we could watch Jeopardy together, etc. He really was there for me with just listening, etc.
I'm happy to be home....
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NSMR this is the worst trip ever
My company decided to send all of us to Cancun for a conference. Seems great right... wrong. They let everyone bring their spouses at a discount. Great right.... unless your spouse can't go. I'm stuck here by myself. Everyone has their cliques and I'm not part of the clique. See I'm mostly behind the scenes on a team of 3. My co-worker made the right choice and said nope he wasn't going. My other co-worker has his wife here so that is a no go. Today I got assigned to a table with a bunch of people that already knew each other.
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Results of the DR visit
yet another sinus infection. Ya don't say....still going to say its a result of allergies. But, hey SD got another day off of school..since the stupid peds dr supposedly told her..
Its ok for you to go to work..but take tomorrow off from school to rest.
UGH....I CALL BS on that but whatever. Its ever so convienant for SD to stay home so that Beaver doesn't have to drive her to school and pick her up today.
How much wine/bourbon do you think I need to get through the next 12 months of this?
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Oh goody in other SD news...its ANOTHER DR VISIT Y'ALL
So..interestingly....Beaver has to take SD to work today. DH absolutely refuses to do it now on Beaver's week. (Hallelujah...Hallelujah)
Sometime this morning..Dh got notice from the school that SD was checked out of school early. DH immediately sends a message to SD asking..WTF...why are you not in school? SD....Mom took me out because I have a cough again and she is taking me to the DR AGAIN.
Beaver has lost the ability to read...or well just doesn't want to
DH does attempt to communicate with Beaver on a limited basis. He will NOT talk to her on the phone..but we send messages on Our Family Wizard. OFW..was court ordered since Beaver likes to play the ...I didn't get the emai., phone, text message, smoke signal game..and OFW shows when it was sent and when it was read. Has come in so handy over the years to combat Beaver's failed memory. Beaver does not like OFW for the exact reason we like it...it prevents her from lying.
Newflash there Beaver..you have been divorced for over 15 years. DH is not your lacky....
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SD pointed out something to DH
While SD isnt' the sharpest tool in the shed..she can be observant of people's behavior. (Personally I think this is in response to having to manage Beaver so she has had to learn to read people).
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Well SD will not be attending any normal 4 year college
In addition to the abismal grades..her SAT score came in...980. That will not get her into any traditional 4 year school. Just like DH has been saying. I feel for DH..he is a smart man for the most part (except for relationships..he has no clue on those)....and to have two kids that are well...dumb as a post..is hard on him. Neither skid got any of his brains....they are both just like Beaver.
So...SD's best bet is community college and then maybe transfer.