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marital or family counseling?

grayskies's picture

has anyone sought therapy for the issues they are dealing with in regards to their skid situation? tensions remain very high in our house, and nothing has been resolved since the whole ss17 tore up my garden/my birthday fiasco. i have basically withdrawn from dh and ss, and have been doing a lot of thinking. dh and i talked last night and i told him that i can't live like this, and we really do need to make some changes or we're walking down a very bad road towards divorce. he agreed, but insisted that we find a family therapist and that ss17 attend with us as a family. i think dh and i need to go to a marital therapist and focus on some of our issues first, before ss is even brought into the picture. what has worked well for you? suggestions as to which to try first?


caregiver1127's picture

Yes - six months into our marriage - we went for marriage counseling and then about 1 year after SS living full time with us - BM is 700 miles away - we went for family counseling and also for him to talk alone with the therapist - did some good for me and DH - SS just thought people would think he was crazy and refused to go after 8 visits.

socalgal's picture

We are a blended family with 5 kids. All our kids are grown and moved out but some of them lived with us during the past few years. My kids love my husband but his kids do not like me and along with their mother, have successfully driven a huge wedge in our relationship. We went to therapy for the first time this week. I think she said something that I picked up on and can see the truth in it. She said that unless we work toward being a united couple that we can't solve the thing with the kids. First thing is first. I don't think we are going to survive this damage but I do think that if you are both willing, I would go for couple's therapy first. Just my opinion.